Discussion of a pro-Obama ad: its tone, content, and implications

Romney misleading about Obama: free money
Obama misleading about Romney: desperation

Got it.

The context needs to change with the omission for it to be “taking it out of context”. It doesn’t. Whether you listen to just the chosen (admittedly worst) sentences from this speech that the ad played, or the whole thing unedited, the context is the same.

I’m being consistent. Of course it’s effective, so Romney would be crazy not to use it. Also, it’s an honest attack ad. Or, at least, as honest as we can expect them to be. I’ve actually explicitly stated that, so I don’t know why you are confused on that point.

Now, some of Romney’s attacks haven’t been honest. The one where he quoted Obama who was quoting McCain was dishonest. Shamelessly so. So, it’s not as if Romney is innocent of these sorts of attacks. The one with Obama being accused of gutting welfare requirements seems fishy as well, but I haven’t done much research on it yet.

The SDMB isn’t a great place to look for unbiased opinions on Obama. If the election were held of our posters only, would it look like the actual nationwide result?

I agree with Debaser - the “Romney killed my wife” ad is sleazy enough and stupid enough to have the potential for blow-back. At least let’s hope so.

What is it with Obama’s surrogates spouting the sleaze so early in the campaign? It does smack a bit of desperation.


When did you stop beating your wife?

Thisresponse to the ad is, umm, unusual, at best:

And you’re an anonymous left-winger, hardly an objective source.

The fact is, GST Steel was in terrible shape when Bain invested in it, and they kept it going for 6 years. Romney wasn’t even at Bain when the company went bankrupt, but the US steel industry was in dire shape then, with lots of companies dying. That’s around the time when Bush (wrongly) decided to enact protectionist tariffs on steel that ended up causing more harm than good.

Clearly not, as even *you *seem to have (deliberately?) misunderstood what he said. If the quote doesn’t include the “roads and bridges” part, then it’s not the full, unedited quote, now is it? In other words, this is what we here on the SDMB call “A Lie”.

Last night at the gym, I was stuck watching a talking heads show, wherein a representative from the Romney campaign was telling the rep from the Obama campaign how untrue the ad is, and how Obama needs to *immediately *disavow it. She was furious that Obama hadn’t immediately gone on TV to tell everyone that it was a lie.

I really have to wonder if she honestly thinks that Romney would do the same, if the roles were reversed. I also wonder if she remembers a little Republican pet project called “Citizens United”. She would, in one sentence, acknowledge that Obama had nothing to do with the PAC… and then, in the next, blame his administration for allowing the ad to exist.

It’s a wonder she didn’t snap her own neck, whirling around that fast.

Clearly not. We’ve got all these conservative posters who keep deliberately trying to misrepresent him and his actions. I thought this place had standards.

This is just so hilarious. I read this nonsense about the context remains even though critical words are edited out, and I laugh. I can imagine you defending General Motors for coming up with an ultra-low priced car that doesn’t include any wheels: “Well, yeah, but it’s clearly still a car! It’s got an engine, and seats, and a radio… the lack of wheels doesn’t mean it isn’t a car!”

For that alone, I’d call this ad an amazing success.

I think it is a stupid and sleazy ad but is within the bell curve for other ads during this campaign; I have seen some pretty sleazy ads put out by Romney surrogates. Regardless, thinking that there is desperation in the Obama campaign strike me as ridiculous. Right now, Intrade gives Romney only a 39% chance of winning the election (compared to Obama at 58%), Nate Silver (@538) only gives him a 28% chance of winning (Obama 72%), and Real Clear Politics thinks Romney only has 191 electoral votes locked compared to 247 for Obama. I see no reason for anybody to be desperate (wtf is a internal poll?).

Dick Morris saying he’s seen secret polling numbers showing a Romney landslide rings the desperation bell a lot louder than some hard-hitting ads.

Agreed. There’s no reason at this point for either campaign to be desperate. Each has a good chance at winning, and it’s anybody’s game.

It’s this specific ad that comes across as desperate, given the over the top subject of Romney the murderer.

He was also sure this election would be between Hillary and Condi, so, you know …

You are completely incorrect, I’m afraid.
He predicted the 2008 Presidental Race would be between Hiliary Clinton & Condi Rice, and as we all remember he was totally correct.

Well, at least she didn’t say “Kiss my a**!” So the Romney camp is improving.

I’m thinking that someone on the campaign staff has explained the issue with Romneycare to her by now, but it sure would be fun to watch her make the rounds with that line of reasoning…

See? He even got the *year *wrong. :wink:

Rasmussen has Obama and Romney tied at 45% apiece.

Which is the sort of good news/bad news one would expect. Given the state of the economy, it is bad news for Romney that he is only tied. Given that Obama is the incumbent, it is bad news for Obama that he is tied with Romney.

But with the news mixed at worst, why swing for the fences with this kind of over-the-top rhetoric? If this is the beginning of a theme for the Obama side, where Romney is attacked on this level, and using this kind of rhetoric, my hopes for a Romney landslide just took a sharp upturn.

Sure, it would go over big amidst the fever swamps of the left, where it is gospel that Romney is wrong in everything he said, everything he did, everything he thought about doing but didn’t, and everything people say he did even if he didn’t, but normal people? I wonder.

This is like that thing a while back where Romney’s company invested in a medical waste disposal firm, and therefore he was an abortionist, or something. The appropriate response wasn’t shock or outrage, or even anger - more like “have you been smoking something?”

Plus, the Obama-ites need to be careful - if the implication is “if you lost your job, then don’t vote for whoever you think might be to blame”, then BHO just lost a half million voters.


You could have stopped right after “Rasmussen has …”. That puts any discussion that follows into the realm of pure fantasy. You might as well start with “Fox News reported that …”.

Seriously, Rasmussen typically runs 6 points or so pro-GOP, compared to not only the poll consensus but actual results.

Equally credibly, Rash Limpballs predicts a Romney landslide. (Actually I have no idea if he does since I can’t stand to listen to his pompous ass).

This election isn’t going to be close. The more voters know about Rmoney, the less they like him. We now know he used death squad money to start up a business that put millions in his pocket and people in the streets. He can’t show us his tax forms because they doubtlessly show that he paid extremely little tax for a man of his means, or they show that he was compensated very highly by Bain after he retroactively retired, or he has some shady accounting, or he has a lot of money overseas and in effect bets against the US, or more likely: all of the above. Even Republicans can’t stand him and the minute the votes are counted, he’ll forever be persona non grata and will slip back into the shadows to rob old ladies of their pensions.

I guess I’m wondering why you think that these “normal” people would fact check Obama ads but not Romney ads. Because he’s been running some whoppers lately.