Do Drugs Make You Ugly?

You are correct. Here are the same photos from the above link, but with the ages defined. Yup, it’s a trick.

OK. Don’t GIS “krokodil drug”. Just. Don’t.

Well, let’s see: Handsome young man, age 25.

The same man aged 45, transformed by the ravages of time into a hideous beast. Yep, looks just like one of those “faces of meth” before and after photos!

OK. Don’t tell me not to GIS “krokodil drug”. Just don’t.

Because my curiosity will get the best of me and I will be forced to do it.

Bleh. I’ll be in the corner… puking.

Some of the photos are taken only months apart. None of the ones in the first link were more than 2.5 years older. I haven’t checked all in Duckster’s link, but again there were several only months apart and only one was as much as five years.

Brazil is said to be dealing with a budding epidemic of “oxi” (from “oxidado,” meaning “rusty”). Not to be confused with Oxycontin/oxycodone, it’s a smokable cocaine derivative that’s apparently targeted at users who find crack a little too healthy.

Between this shit, krokodil, and “bath salts,” I have to wonder— why does each new drug seem shittier than the last? As a teen, my imagination ran wild dreaming of all the awesome new recreational substances we’d have in our brave new future world. Instead, we’re just moving backward.

“Hey VT, try this! It’s just like ecstasy, except it only lasts 15 minutes, turns the whites of your eyes black, and afterward your ears bleed for a week!”

While this is TECHNICALLY true, many of the “after” photos are from people who are only several months to a few years older. Therefore, it’s FACTUALLY untrue to state that the effects of age are the only reason that the person can go from looking relatively health to looking like the Cryptkeeper in such a short period of time.

My son called last night with a story about his adventures in Vancouver. He and some friends were walking through one of the heavier drug districts in downtown and and as they were walking through they were approached by a dealer trying to sell them meth. My son, lacking the mouth to brain filter on occasion, gestured around him at the addicts sleeping in corners and sitting in small groups said “You know the advertising for your product needs work”

Luckily he walked out alive. Damn mouthy kid.

I saw a video on that recently. The flesh at the injection site literally dies. Amputations are required.

The video showed one young woman with the white of her arm bone fully exposed along her forearm. She also had black sores all over. Do not watch that video. I was sick after it.

Back to the OP: like others said, I think it comes down to malnutrition and lack of bathing/grooming.

That is a lot of it. When people get brought into jail on fresh drug charges, it usually takes 3-5 days before they’re sober enough to care about showering or eating or much of anything.

You mentioned what krokodil does. People know that meth has a drying effect, but another common side effect of meth is hallucinating that bags are crawling all over (and inside of) your skin. That’s where many (though not all, I know) of those meth sores that people have come from. The users scratch the hell out of themselves trying to kill the bugs.

I wish I could show you the booking photos of one of the girls in my facility. It’s not just the changes we’ve seen already, but the awesome decisions people make when high. Like getting her girlfriend’s name tattooed over her eyebrows. Pure awesome.

I can’t Google very successfully right now, but it seems like every article I can find about krokodil is identical or referring to just a couple different articles, from The Independent or Time.

I would think that there would be more sources, considering how horrible it is?

I could point you to a video, but trust me, you do not want to see it!

Also, krokodil is the street name. I forget what the real name is.

Edit (from the linked articles); desomorphine

It sounds like “krokodil” is just a slightly more potent morphine derivative (8-10x more potent than morphine, so just a little stronger than heroin, but nowhere near the potency of fentanyl or etorphine or some of the other opioids) that can be synthesized fairly easily from codeine, which is available OTC in Russia. People with such horrifying reactions as those listed above (flesh rotting off the bone, phlebitis, gangrene, amputations, etc.) get them because they’re injecting poorly-manufactured drugs full of particulates and contaminants from the manufacturing process (phosphorous, say). AFAICT, it’s not that desomorphine itself is more dangerous than morphine or heroin (despite some of the quotes in the article) but you’re always taking a huge risk when you buy something off the street and inject it into yourself, and even more so if it’s been quickly and cheaply synthesized to be sold to the poorest and most desperate addicts.

Whoa. Arms are not supposed to look like that. Fascinating.

Correct. I recall that in cooking up the drug, something is added that is essentially poison, though I forget what (my brain furiously tried to wipe all knowledge of that drug from my memory).

I can still see the doctor tapping his scalpel against the young woman’s arm bone as she writhed in pain (making a clink, or some such). Then the video switched to gauze being removed from open wounds on her legs. barf

Sorry to get off topic in GQ, but ever since reading/seeing of that drug I wanted to start a thread. But I just couldn’t due to how hideous the subject is.

How do you live with a bone visible?!? How do you continue to inject the drug into your crotch, even though the skin is turning black and dying?

Anyway, sorry. Back on topic.


Why do I let curiosity take me places no one should go?

Green Day’s “Geek Stink Breath” refers to meth mouth. And John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers wears dentures now after years of heroin and cocaine abuse left him with a near fatal oral infection.

Forget puking – I need to go and gouge my eyes out. (We really, REALLY need that vomitting smiley!)

I broke the link in your post, as there are a LOT of people who would not want to click it accidentally.

Jimi Hendrix had a cock made out of him, I heard. Clapton weren’t so ugly he couldn’t get no other man’s girl.

Are you just talking meth or some crack-ass drug?

Anecdotally, lots of drunks lose their teeth, smokers lose their skin and teeth – what were you looking for, exactly?

According to Time, fabrication of Krokodil uses “gasoline, paint thinner, hydrochloric acid, iodine and red phosphorus which they scrape from the striking pads on matchboxes.” Not at all good for you.