Do "Good Samaritans" Still Get Sued?

Are you defending the practice of Attorney Advertisements?
(I find that unusual considering you said Sokolve carries a phony “fork lift driver for Home Depot” wallet, so people would be willing to save his life).
Do you live in the USA? Just wondering.

yes. What are your objections to the same? (I do recall one thity second spot that I swear started off with a finger hitting a cash register button, followed by the predictable ka-ching, that I thought perhaps sacrificed somewhat of dignity in the interest of creative exhuberence–but it was on late at night…)

Re:the present abode of the king of the west goths…

Alas, poor Otis, so soon forgot…

Stilled, thy great voice,
Shuffle no more, dancing feet.

Sit by the dock of the bay no more
Redding Booty.

We dont wnat to stop now, Otis–

we’ve been loving you too long…

But it’s fa-fafa-fafa-fafa-fa…

They see “dock of the bay”
and think

“Hong Kong?”

Forgive my digression–when last examined, the dock in question was firmly within the physical, if not the psychic, boundaries of the United States.

Well said :slight_smile:

Wait. You guys got it wrong. You’ll never get thru law school. It’d not “good Samaritan.”

It’s “good” Samaritan.

Why does every question about the law have to descend to lawyer-bashing? Does anyone here have any evidence that James Sokolove has done anything unethical? How many people here have actually had to hire a lawyer to help them? In my own experience, lawyers I have consulted have assessed very reasonable fees for taking care of routine matters.

It might be useful to consider that in the United States the injury lawsuit system is the only means of regulating bad or incompetent doctors. There is effectively no government or professional means of identifying and removing bad practitioners.

thank you.

btw–the converse is also true-that is to say in the abscence of the sort of private enforcement and the resultant conduct guidance that flosws from thye common law tort system, you end up with the civil law regulatory structure, which mny consider intrusive and ppotentially strtangling.


incoherence alert!
obscure unsupported reference!

civil law=european reguilatory structures, based on napoleonic code, magistrates are the moving parties in vast majority of commercial regulatory issues

common law tort system-US (england, sorta, 'cept they charge losers for winners attnoneys fees–changes the balance of poawer substantially) privatge enforcement is at the heart of the system–Every man an attorney general…

Well, the Good Samaritan in this story got badly beaten up: