Do Illegal Immigrants Vote In U.S. Elections?

Data point:

In Florida, we are required to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

When you vote (in this county at least), you are required to have your voter registration card as well as a photo ID. Seeing as how this is Florida, I’m sure some people slip through and some counties may be more thorough about verifying your information, but for the most part, the idea that all or most illegals are voting (early and often) is just nonsense rhetoric.

Thanks to everyone for the input thusfar!

So are you saying that some people might think that they’re casting a vote, but in reality the vote won’t be counted? Does this happen in the other 49 states? Do the people voting get told at the voting station that their vote might not get counted?

I don’t think this is the right forum to publish such bullshit nor for me to reply to it the way it deserves.

I will say this. Immigrants, legal and otherwise are by definition the ones with enough get-up-and-go to get up and go. They and their children are likelier to be successful than the average American and therefore less likely to be on welfare (and, maybe, less likely to vote Democrat.

I’ve worked for campaigns (fundraising and such, not doing actual campaign stuff), and we sent mail to anyone’s whose address we had. Anyone who’s donated to the campaign, any volunteers, anyone who put their name on a list for something, etc. Yes, we want these people to register to vote, because we have good reason to believe they are going to vote our way. We do not, however, stop and make sure Bob Jones who signed up for our newsletter is a citizen. We’re only asking them to register; we’re not certifying that the person is eligible.

The progeny of illegal immigrants already vote in US elections, because anyone who is born in the US is an actual US citizen and therefore entitled to vote.

That first assumes that the election judges are conscientiously doing their jobs, and while I’m sure you do when you’re an election judge, that doesn’t mean every election judge. Also, like you said, you only check the name against the voter rolls. You have no way of knowing that everyone on your voter rolls are really supposed to be on there, and it’s possible that someone who can’t legally register to vote does. You wouldn’t be able to catch that as an election judge.

In Florida, provisional ballots are verified and are counted if the ballot can be verified as valid before the tabulation certification date.

Really, did none of you who lived through the 2000 election debacle remember anything you heard on CNN 24/7 for six months? :dubious: just kidding :: D & R ::

I know of at least one illegal immigrant who voted in many elections.

Of course, at the time, he didn’t know he was an illegal immigrant. He thought he was a citizen of the US. It’s a long story, but, basically, the man he thought was his father actually was not, and this was not revealed to him until his adulthood. Of course, he does not vote any more.

When you register to vote, you have to affirm that you are a citizen, but it’s not like they actually verify it. You don’t have to submit a birth certificate or anything to get on the voter list. I’m sure there are a few others like the guy I know of, and probably also some who just decide to lie and say they’re citizens so they can vote.

I know many immigrants who vote, and they do so legally. Don’t conflate “alien” with “immigrant”. An immigrant is no longer an alien when they become a citizen, but they are still an immigrant.

Yes they do evey chance they get. Those who always claim that the “illegal vote” is always less than claimed do not live in cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, are any other Democratic ruled ‘third world’ hell hole.
Remember…most of these cities are eaten up with illegals. In the areas where the alliens are apt to vote, the voting polls are run by minorities of the alien’s persuasion. In many cases, these poll watching individuals will Not watch as their brethern come into vote. Do not tell me it can’t happen or doesn’t happen. I helped investigate many such complaints…and that was a few years ago. I am sure it is worse now.

Ummm, cite? I have lived in Chicago for most of my life, and have been a registered voter in Cook County since I turned 18, and have not seen any evidence that shows anything of the sort. And my neighborhood is chock-full of immigrants of all sorts, though admittedly I have no special powers to determine anyone’s immigration status simply by watching them walk into a room. Maybe you’re more talented in that department than I am.

In most states it is a felony even to register to vote if you are not a citizen. Several years back a local Republican registered his dog to vote supposedly as a protest for illegal immigrants doing the same. Imagine his surprise when he was charged by the Contra Costa County California District Attorney.

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bullrun, seeing that samclem has already reminded posters that political jabs are not permitted in GQ, I’m making this an Official Warning. Do not do this again.

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When the first Mayor Richard Daley died, it was joked that even though he would no longer be mayor, he’d still vote a straight Democratic ballot.

Interesting, I wonder who’d go after the zombie vote?

The Bush Administration certainly tried to find instances of voter fraud – and even allegedly fired those federal attorneys who would not play along. Though such efforts may have been effective in repressing voter turnout among certain groups, the courts tended to eventually throw out these cases. Given the vigor of these investigations and the bareness of their outcome, I think it’s fair to conclude that instances of illegal immigrants voting are pretty rare.

Furthermore as far as the smell test goes, it seems to me that most illegals wouldn’t want to put themselves on the public register rolls. There’s little upside and plenty of scary downside. Heck, voter turnout typically is below 50% among US citizens anyway.

Voter fraud exists in the United States. U.S. is the only country in the world that allows illegals to vote. In other countries only legal residents and citizens can vote, and in some countries residents restricted to local elections only. Some countries are stricter than others. In Russia for example nothing short of passport would satisfy the election authorities for voter registration. In the U.S. some States are stricter than others. That said in almost every state there is voter fraud. I live in Maryland and I date a Hispanic girl who is illegal. I don’t have a problem with her illegal status, she is a good person. But she is registered to vote. So is her whole family, none of whom secured legal status. To register she used her Maryland tax ID and drivers license. Apparently in Maryland that’s good enough. All illegals (probably 100% of them) vote for Dems and for obvious reason - they view Republicans as hostile to them. Since Democratic Party benefits from voter fraud, they are not inclined to do anything about it. Republican leadership in fact did not do much about it either except for empty rhetoric and appears to be selling out on this issue. This issue is not the only one Republican establishment betrays their electorate. This is exactly what created the phenomenon of Donald Trump.


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