Do Other Countries Have a Pledge of Allegiance?

I don’t say it and I don’t mind the under god part at all. I just find it creepy. It’s like the mantra, “Four legs good, two legs bad” in Animal Farm.

It makes a lot more sense if you realize it was written for children. Little school kids aren’t going to understand pledging to some piece of paper they’ve never read and wouldn’t understand if they did. (Most of the Constitution is technicalities on how to set up the government.) But they’d seen flags. I don’t know if every classroom had a US flag, but I expect by 1892 it would be common for most of the larger schools to have a US flag. A flag’s a nice, easy-to-understand, visible symbol of America.

As for why do it every day…why recite the same prayer for each meal or before you go to sleep every night? Repetition and children tend to go together.