Do President Oboma's daughters go on dates?

If there’s anything teenagers are good at, it’s deferred gratification. Especially when its at the behest of their parents.

That’s so true. And “teenagers” are all the same across every culture, class, and family situation. It is totally out of the question that either of these girls, or any teens, could possibly have their own ideas about how they want to behave during their teen years that is different than what popular culture presents. My bad.

Malia’s 17. If my recollections of that age are accurate, she’s missing quite a bit.

Don’t a lot of them turn it down not long after leaving office?

No. Since post-Presidency Secret Service protection was instituted, only Nixon has decided to give it up, eleven years after his resignation.

I believe one of them got caught with a fake ID at a bar in Texas. (Free Republic sent the bar owner all kinds of nasty letters for turning her in, IIRC)

Or she’s getting it from some trusted person who is close to her and guarding her from others. Like a young Secret Service agent, maybe?

Like the Roman Emperor who said his wife would never commit adultery, because she was protected full time by the Praetorian Guard. “Then you can be assured that her adulterer will be one of your guardsmen” he was told.

“The Secret Service Makes Me Nervous” a funny song about the plight of a President’s daughter: - YouTube

I hope it was obvious that my answer was intended to be tongue-in-check. But there is plenty of evidence that teenagers are, almost universally, more impulsive than adults, probably due to differences in brain development.

Not sure about the White House, but she did date while at Stanford. There were Secret Service agents who dressed as students and blended in as she moved around campus. Not sure how dates went, though.

This is pretty spot on. Yes, all suitors would be run through NCIC before they went on a date with one of the Obama girls. And they probably wouldn’t be left alone in the room unless the agents felt that the room was secure both internally & externally (and outside of the WH there’s probably not many places that would qualify for that). The WH is a large place (6 stories), so finding someplace there to have some privacy probably wouldn’t be too difficult.

I don’t know about the Obamas specifically, but I did see this documentary about dating the President’s daughter

Jenna was charged with possession and then with attempting to buy alcohol with a fake ID in a separate incident. Barbara was charged with possession at the same time as Jenna’s second offense.

Interesting that children living in the White House in recent decades have all been girls. You have to go back to JFK to find a son.

Obama (Daughters)
Bush II (daughters)
Clinton (daughter)
Bush I (none)
Reagan (none)
Carter (daughter)
Ford (none)
Nixon (daughters, but adult as I recall)
Johnson (none)
Kennedy (one of each, living)

Steven Ford was 18 when his dad assumed the presidency so he might have lived in the WH briefly.

What a babe magnet that would be, being the President’s son. “How’d you like to see the Lincoln bedroom?”

He did.