Do the Auto Workers really make 72 dollars an hour?

The fact that auto workers ever have the balls to strike with that type of salary, as compared to other comparable jobs, is the height of audacity.

Don’t bet your bankroll on the chances of the current workers getting those perks. Didn’t GM just download the problem to the UAW? And what will they do when they cannot cover the expenses? Part of the problem is that people are living longer than they used to.

Well, sure, but audacity costs extra. The meek may inherit the earth, but they work real cheap! :stuck_out_tongue:

It was win-win. If GM were to go bankrupt and have that liability dismissed (remember, it’s a contractual liability, not a legal liability), then retirees would have nothing. Zilch. Nada. By funding the VEBA now, the UAW is assured that benefits won’t dry up. This also puts the burden of administering the VEBA on the UAW’s shoulders. If finances work out that they can or can’t live up to a certain standard of coverage, they only will have themselves to blame. They can’t strike against GM for “screwing them” by changing or reducing coverages. It’s in their own hands, and they have to use some personal responsibility to manage it well.

Current workers also receive generous, lifetime pensions with survivors’ benefits should the pensioner die. Currently the contract indicates that this will continue. New hires, though, won’t receive this benefit, but instead the company will contribute to 401(k) plans. I seem to recall that they’ll put in $1/hour, but my memory may be bad on that count. This also inspires personal accountability, and also makes it portable should you leave the company.