Do you actively use archaic words?

Huzzah! There are other people who say “groovy”!

Also - this isn’t quite archaic, but I try really hard to use “datum” for the singular, and “data” for the plural.

My wife and I regularly tell our children not to vex each other.

Egads! Of course not. :smiley:


dagnabit… now I am velclempt :dubious:

tsfr…sorry LHOD but i’m another daniel

= “Pretty near”. Doesn’t seem all that archaic to me.

Don’t they still say shan’t in the UK? Or is it archaic there too?

I sometimes have to chide my colleagues for their japery around the office.

Prithee, don’t.

I say “con-flab it!” and “con-sarn it!” at work a lot.

I use a lot of quaint words, although not intentionally. I think the only one I really mean as a deliberate archaism is “dagnabbit”, which entered my vocabulary some years ago and won’t leave. All the rest are the result of reading novels in my formative years.

Wax poetic.

Verily, I looked upon this thread to find others who use words I use and, lo, only a few were mentioned.

My dad also used a conjuction of “pretty near” that came out as “purdner.” I told my brother about it, and he didn’t believe me. One time, right after my dad said it, I turned to my brother and said, “See?” He still didn’t believe me.

I also say “ye” among those to whom I am close. I find myself saying, on a nightly basis, “I bid ‘sweet dreams’ unto thee.” I almost always refer to my sweetie as “Sweet Little Ye.”

I’m a dork.

Yeah, I figured it was some conjunction of “pretty near”, but it wasn’t just those words said fast - I saw it a couple times in writing from my mom. She spelled it “Priddiner”, so I’m guessing at some point that was a spelling of it that most people would recognize, but now not so much. I’m not very good at trying to explain stuff. :wink:

OK… but your source is still your mom. Couldn’t you have just acknowledged your folly gracefully? (Go ahead and show me another, legitimate source of this “word” and I’ll be shocked - Google doesn’t even turn up a single instance, anywhere)

[Snagglepuss voice]Forsooth, fivesooth, even![/Snagglepuss]

I’ll not gainsay it!

Amazon, along those same lines – Growing up in eastern Long Island, NY, a lot of our influences are more New England than the state we belong to. My old man always used to say the word “passel,” as in a passel of trouble or a passel of worry. It wasn’t until I moved down to Florida 6 years ago and started hanging around with real New Englanders that I realized Pop’s word was “parcel.” I was floored!

I use all sorts of archaic words and phrases. “Need’st thou,” “wherefore,” “betimes,” “avaunt,” etc. Unfortunately, “please,” “thank you” and “I beg your pardon” seem to be falling into the same category …

I’ve always seen it spelled “purt near”

Google seems to agree with me, for what it’s worth, which tain’t much.

air through cheeks doth flatulate, from borborygmi emigrate…