Do you dream in color?

In color but only after my house lands in Oz. Can’t recall a single B&W dream.


Maybe you’ve hit it.

I know that most of my dreams are colorless, and only stay with me for a few seconds upon awakening.
However, there are times my dreams are in vivid, memorable color. These dreams I could repeat to you now in minute detail. My recurring dreams are always in color.

Rushgeekgirl, your daughter’s psych textbook is wrong.

I am another one whose dreams are like movies. I usually dream in complete 3-D colour environments, with sound, feel, sometimes even smell.

At times I have dreamt in French, Esperanto, math, the computer language Labview, hand-drawn animated cartoons (complete with paper texture and the slight indentation from the pressure of the pen, but it was all moving), and even languages I don’t know, like Greek.

I tell you, if I could hook a video-out connector to my head, I’d make a fortune.

Put me down for color. BS to the text book. My dreams also play out like mini-movies: quite often they are f*cked-up mini-movies, but movies nevertheless.

This could make sense. Though, still, dreams are mostly visual, so why woud we not include a visual clue as obvious as color?

Well…Another example of a dream where I clearly noticed a color. I remember it clearly because it’s recent and had a weird element I wondered about. I was dreaming I was in the french army…except that we were wearing…US civil war uniforms… :confused: (I suspect the straightdope content is influencing my dreams).

Anyway, during my dream, I suddenly realized this weird element and said to myself that I didn’t know previously there were units in the french army using US civil war uniforms. And thought also that wearing noticeable blue uniforms on a battlefield wasn’t the brightest idea.

I don’t remember many dreams (maybe 2-3 a year) but when I do, there are definitely parts with color. There are also parts where I don’t remember color, but I’m not sure if that’s because that portion was in black & white or if I just wasn’t paying attention.

I lot of my memorable dreams tend to have loose, slow moving plots impacted with visual symbols. My favorite image dream so far was one where I dreampt of holding a bunch of oranges which were vividly orange while listening to one of the Pit Preacher in front of the book store at UNC-Chapel Hill. It symbolozed productivity. It took me awhile to figure out that oranges = produce = productivity in that one. It was actually a very positive dream, one that marked a period of my life where I was getting unstuck from a wrong life path.

Of course, there’s also the Bohemian Rhapsody/Gilligan’s Island dream which was (quite obviously) conducted as a rock opera. I mean, every three year old has those dreams where the big black spider from Gilligan’s Island has her parents & gram imprisoned in a cave, and then she has to go up to the spider and get them out and choses to do so with the help of Queen: “Let them go!” “No, I will not let them go!” etc. The spider was even bobbing in time with Bohemian Rhapsody. I mean, that’s not abnormal, right? Now that one was in black & white, come to think of it.

I’ve always dreamt in color, just like waking life. I think the whole “dream in black & white” thing came about after movies, when the majority of movies were in B&W. Since I was born in the mid 60’s , and with the exception of our first television in the 60’s, all the movies & TV I’ve seen have been in color, there’s no reason for me to dream in B&W.

and yes, I experience smells and textures.

Another lucid dreamer here. My primary sense in dreams is sight. Sound tends to be a bit weird, since that tends to bring me closer to the point of waking up. Sensations are also weird - most of the time, I experience an odd floaty feeling, but I also experience fleeting sort of phantom pain if I get injured. I rarely taste anything, though, even in dreams where I’m eating.

I can sort of read in dreams, but if I try to backtrack and organize what I was reading, continuity goes out the window (which really sucks because I’ve read some pretty kickass comics in my dreams and I can never quite remember the plot after I wake up :mad: ).

I know I dream in color, for sure.
Had one night before last that involved a huge bag of cigars in yellow or pink wrappers. I was grabbing up all the yellow ones.
Wait. :dubious:

That sounds sooooo bad on the Freudian level. :smack:

I almost always have dreams in bright color. It’s just like in real life, the colors even fade if a part of my dream is dark. I can smell, feel, hear, and see, although I don’t know if I can taste. Even if I hurt myself in my dream I seem to feel the pain, extreme or not, like last night I was dreaming that I was limping around for some reason and my leg really hurt, and I swear I could almost feel it when I woke up.

Because color isn’t necessarily obvious when you’re asleep. For me, it seems as though most of the time the only qualities possessed by objects in my dreams are those I actively pay attention to, and color usually isn’t among them.

I’ve dreamed in sculpture, animation, games, text, etc. Since I do these things in my life, it makes sense for them to intrude into my dreams. Likewise, I don’t think in color so most of my dreams are in black and white. An object might have color, but usually the whole dream isn’t in color.

If you daydream in color, you probably dream in color as well.

Wow! Read in dreams! I’ve even been half asleep and told myself to change the jibberish I’m reading in my dreams to real words, but to no avail.
Well, I’m going to keep trying after reading your post.
(Might get some ghostly pearls of wisdom from L. Ron) :wink:

As to the OP, yes I do dream in color.

[I had to jump in, because dreams can be such powerful things (IMHO).]

I suspect that I usually dream in B&W, because I had a dream once in which I was flying (a very powerful type of dream), and noticed how intensely green the ground was, and remembered the dream and the color upon waking.

Alternative theory: Most of my dreams are unpleasant and suck, and could be in color, but I just don’t notice because I am trying to repress them.

Could you ask your daughter what book this is? I’m extremely curious about what other juicy tidbits, completely contrary to the actual realm of human experience, might be found in such a text.

Don’t be too impressed Jake , the words are clear enough but put together they soon stop making sense. I mean I remember a menu once and that was fine but if it’s text in a book for example then it starts ok but then the words seem to be in the wrong order or just not logical at all.

I’m not sure how often I’m aware of ‘hearing’ in dreams tho’. Visual seem my strongest suit.

… I cant pick out the words right now… but I KNOW in some dreams I have read things. Then again… the strict definition of reading… Im sure we all do in dreams… just not passages of text at a time.
Flying dreams… I had a flying dream once. I want another!!!

I’m another one that always dreams in colour. I don’t think I’ve ever had a black and white dream.

I dream in colour. Especially when I have sex dreams. Lovin’ would be easy if colours were like my dreams. Red gold and green, red gold and green.