Do you feel physical pain when looking at these images of checkered tile?

I sometimes get dizzy if I walk on tiles like that. No headaches, though.

Edit: I have astimatism and I have problems seeing contours. I’m also sensitive to light, so I often get headaches, but not specifically by looking at those images.

Nope, I find them quite pleasing. I think my brain likes them partly because it lays out the perspective pretty clearly.

On the question of migraines, I get Ocular Migraines. Mine manifests as pulsating rainbow fields in my vision, without a headache. I don’t think mine are triggered by visual stimuli.

I like decorative tile, and those images don’t bother me in the least.

For those who dare to look, I always liked the floor at Westminster Abbey:

Yeah. Once word gets around that a Victorian tile floor made you its bitch, you’re gonna be passed around to the quatrefoil area rugs, the Fleur-de-lis wallpaper gang, and one bad motherfucker of a damask sofa slipcover for as many cigarettes as your ass can earn.

Not physically ill; but I did need to back away from the screen and squint.

Taken individually I really like the one on the top row 2nd from left.

Maybe you’re suffering some kind of eyestrain already. There are times after sitting in front of computer all day my eyes are worn out and there are some images that make me look away because my eyes keep refocusing. There is some kind of mild head-achy pain associated with that.

Frylock, I get what you’re saying – those images from your link stress me out when I view a page of them, for no discernible reason. I suspect on a larger canvas (e.g. a kitchen floor) not so much, but I really get your reaction.

They hurtss ussss!

This was my first thought, before I even looked at the tiles.

Things that resemble my migraine auras are physically abhorrent to me. While I personally don’t mind those tiles, I am completely sympathetic to someone who cannot abide them because they look too much like auras.

I get migraines.

Yes, those tile patterns are unpleasant to look at, verging on physically disturbing. Maybe not painful, but the equivalent of a really bad smell or a horrible taste in your mouth.

Large-scale, high-contrast patterns taking up a large portion of the visual field are bad enough, but what’s even worse are ‘broken’ patterns. My parents once gave me a quilt that had bold stripes on it, and when it wrinkled up and the stripes got jaggy and offset, it made me want to puke to look at it. I had to return it.

Something about all those hard edges clamoring for attention is offensive. Curves and natural forms like tree branches against snow are just fine, though. My visual centers must not like the straight lines.

Frylock: not a big chess fan, huh?

Actually, I’m reminded of a short story I once read (title and author long forgotten) in which a chess player managed to always win by combining his pieces onto the b/w tiles into such a revulsive pattern that his opponent invariably fell into paroxysms!