Do you find praying mantises cute?

You must be attributing things to them that simply are not real to find them cute .

Puppies are cute, kittens are cute.

Emotionless killing machines aren’t .

‪I am going to ‬use the phrase “Interesting but not cute“ in my personal ads and bathroom scrawlings - For a good time, call dba fred - he’s interesting but not cute.

Of course! Especially since they look so much like Sheldon Cooper!

Looking interesting or cool is not the same as being cute. I am not sure that I could classify any insect as being cute; well, maybe a Woolly Bear caterpillar when it curls up into a ball after you pick it up.

Well, which is it?

When I was a kid I had a huge insect collection. One year I decided to raise praying mantises. I kept an egg case in my room. When they hatched, the house was filled with thousands of tiny, hungry baby mantises. I thought it was great, but my mother thought otherwise. She made me vacuum the entire house, including the drapes.

But it was still fun to watch them mate, and watch the female bite off the male’s head. They were fascinating, but I don’t think I’d ever call them “cute.”

Has anyone wondered yet if the plural of mantis should be mantes ? :slight_smile:

I voted "No, “interesting” is not the same thing as “cute.”

They are very cool, and my favorite insect, but “cute” just isn’t the word. I can’t think of any insect that I’d call “cute.”

Interesting, not cute.

BTW, although they don’t do it much, they can fly.

When I was working at an archaeological site in Israel, one around 4 inches long flew into - and got tangled in - the long hair of another volunteer, at night. That caused a bit of a ruction, all right. It took a while to calm her down enough to disentangle the poor bug, who did not survive the experience.

Ladybug, bumblebeeand maybe thewooly bear caterpillar are possible candidates.

Either Mantises or Mantes.

Yeah, fair point. There are a lot more cute mammals than insects, though, IMHO. So I’m a speciesist - don’t you judge me!