Do you know any bad Jennys?

Jenny kiss’d me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!
Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I’m growing old, but add,
Jenny kiss’d me.

–Leigh Hunt (1810-1873)

My sister is a Heather and she’s SO not this. Great gal, good mom, doesn’t put up with crap, thoughtful,…

How 'bout Jenny McCarthy? I loved her show when it was on MTV - too bad it didn’t last.

It’s always Marsha, Marsha, MARSHA!

(oh come on, some one had to do it)

On the OP.
I’m more likely to know the moms of Jennys’ (sigh), so all the ones I know are nice young ladies.


You do know know that “Jenny” is the female term for
asses (the animal, not the part of the body) don’t you?
Yes, males are called Jacks and females are Jennys.
I believe this is wrong. A mule is the offspring of a horse and a donkey, but not any old combinatin of horse and donkey, it’s gender-specific (although I’ll be damned if I can remember which one is the male), and the opposite combination is a jenny.

I will look for a cite.

And while I’m looking for a cite, I’ll keep an eye out for a bloody end-quote code!


They were probably just lying in wait until Henny Youngman died. COWARDS!

From good old Merriam-Webster:

Oops, it appears that I am wrong. That would be a hinny, not a jenny, which is indeed a female donkey.


Well, I went through my youth as a “Genny” (short for Genevieve) but I started going by Gen or Genevieve a few years ago. I considered Jenny to be a completely different name from mine, however.

Sometimes people call me Jennifer and get really pissed off if I don’t answer. Hey, it’s not my freakin’ name, give me a break!

My good friend has been dating a hag named Jenny for the last few years. She is the definition of “high maintenance stuck up bitch”

So, to re-cap:
Me: (albeit as a quasi-Jenny) Hey, I rock!
Jenny that my friend is seeing: She’s a waste of oxygen.

In this thread in Great Debates, there is a discussion going on about double standards in the use of the term sluts and in the general way male and female sexuality may be viewed differently. In that thread, VarlosZ made mention of this thread and the fact that the word slut is used to describe some “bad Jennys.”

I am curious as to what the term means to people, and if those of you who use that term to describe females who choose promiscuity also hold males who do the same thing in as great disrespect as you do females.

I am also wondering if people dislike the promiscuity itself, or if it possibly had more to do with whether the person is being open about it, or deceitful and “cheating” on a sexual partner.

Anyone who cares to reply, please do so at the other thread to avoid further disrupting this one.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

I know of a political Jenny – Jenny Shipley, former PM of New Zealand.

There are dartboards, so I hear, still with her face pasted to them …

No, all the Jenny’s/Jennifer’s I’ve known have been the sweetest people. However, my friends and I actually use the name “Jenny” [said in a kinda stupid voice like “Jennay!”] as an insult…I guess you just have to be there to understand.

Man, from the amount of responses, I appear to have tapped into an overlooked resevoir (sp?) of pure Jenny emotion. Keep letting it out, people, you’ll feel better.


I am a Jennie, short for Jennifer. My mother did not name me Jennifer because of lack of originality. She has a very unusual name and disliked it all her life, so when she had a daughter, she wanted to give her the most normal name possible. In 1979, it was Jennifer.
I have encountered fellow Jens, Jennys, Jennies, and Jennifers all my life. While I think first names play some role in personality formation, I think it is circumstancial. I myself am a “good girl” and most other Jennies I know are as well. But there are always bad ones too.

I am another Jenn (short for Jennifer.) I know a lot of Jenn/Jennifer’s. I would have to say that 8 out of 10 are usually psycho, easy, snobbish or otherwise bitchy people. My friends tell me I am not one of those 8, even though I am evil. :wink:

If I remember correctly, my mom told me that one of the presidents in the 70s had a daughter named Jennifer, which is why the name got so popular. I am a baby of the 70s. :slight_smile: sigh

My sister is a Jenny. Went by Jenny for a long time, now mostly just called Jen. My big middle school crush was a Jenny (not Jennifer). She was pretty cool. There was a Jennifer I knew who was a total stuck up, snotty bitch, though…damn I hated her.


No… i think you’ll find she’s a Goddess. :slight_smile:

I know about 6 Jenny’s. All of them are lovely. (one in particular:))

The explanation I’ve heard is that “Jenny” was the name of Ali McGraw’s character in the movie Love Story, which came out in the early 70s. A lot of women thought the name was pretty, and so when they had daughters, that’s what they named them.

As a slight hijack, one reason why I hated being in school with so many “Jennys” was that my name is Jeannie. People would call me Jenny all the time, and then get confused when I said, “No, it’s Jeannie.” They’d say, “Isn’t it just the same thing?” Uh, no, it’s not. Or they’d say, “Well, it’s close enough.” :rolleyes:

I know a Jeni/Jennifer. She’s one of my favorite people in the world. She’s definitely not a goody-two-shoes although she is very likeable (even by a few teachers). I was discussing this thread with someone else who knew Jeni from childhood and he agrees with me that there is nothing wrong with being a slut as long as your a good person.

I know a Jenny/Jennifer who became a teacher. She was kind of a goody-two-shoes although she and I did some shoplifting in jr. high once.

Would that be a Forrest Gump reference, perchance?

My dumb bitch of a dog’s name is Jenny. She is really dumb. She is really my mother’s dog. I’ve never seen such a mean, stupid dog.