Do you see colors when you close your eyes, too?

What’s REALLY weird is when having a ‘slit-lamp’ exam at the ophthalmologists, and on a certain angle, you can see the blood vessels in your very own eye!!

Sort of nauseating but cool as well.


Wow. That’s weird. I’m going to have to go ask for that exam. We see some crazy stuff:

I took a little poetic license. Anything else to add, all?

Sometimes I see the green neon rings when I rub my eyes.

When it’s dark in my room, when I close my eyes, I can make abstract neon shapes of various colours to whirl, dance, and zagzig in front of my eyes. At times it would be strands of coloured light, sometimes it would be spheres. It’s a great light show and very fun :smiley:

How about when your eyes are open? If I’m looking at stuff abd actually seeing it I don’t notice it, but I’m just sort of looking at the stuff I can notice that it sort of moves. I mean, it all looks sort of swirly. I know the STUFF isn’t swirly I know it’s in my eyeball, but what does that mean?

I don’t know…I had that exam done when I burned my cornea(chemical burn) when I was 7 or 8, and it was a lot more upsetting and nauseating than cool. Where’s the “barf” smilie when you need them?

I do that EXACT same thing. What I see behind my eyelids is what I see in the aura of really nasty migraine, except it’s magnified about 100%. That’s my warning to go immediately to bed and cram the pillow over my head for the next 4 hours or so.

I also see the “Shadow puppet” images someone else mentioned. It can be awfully distracting when you start paying attention to them while trying to fall asleep.

I had an unusual experience once when I was a kid when I fell head-first off a horse. I landed on my head and on my way down to the ground I must have glanced across the field at the barn because for the next hour I could see a photographic image of the barn superimposed over everything. When I closed my eyes I could still see that image in bright color. It was really bizarre and kind of cool too, although I wouldn’t recommend falling head-first off a horse to get the effect.

My eye doth spy…

Thank GOD I’m not the only one! I thought I was a freak or something. Well, I could still be but NOt about these weird eye visuals.

I’m gonna concentrate tonight and make some new things. I’ll keep you, my readers, posted.

2 years ago i shut my eyes to sleep and i started seeing shapes and orbs i actually thought it was pretty fascinating…than people showed up and started talking to me. these conversations lasted 8 months until they were keeping me from sleeping and overwhelmed me with random images some disturbing…i was talking to a girl and this guy came up and started “peeing” all over my “screen”…so i took my imaginary sword and chopped off his dong. Anyways these visions developed into schizophrenia, i’m sure you saw that coming. I was involved in a bad motorcycle accident and my understanding is the rapid firing of the frontal lobe caused this. My advice is be careful and catch schizophrenia early, it might be amusing at first, but to this day i will close my eyes and there is people hangin out waiting for me to join their conversation at any given moment of the day. This is my first post ever on a forum…thanks for listening

i should add that these “people” would overwhelm me with disturbing images when i was trying to sleep like swastikas, pointing guns at me or when i was taking a shower or doing something naked they would point out there is kids present and show them suggesting i should cover up it was quite rediculous…i was watching ufc once at a friends house and they pulled the same stuff…my reality became warped into believing these people actually existed in a parallel universe…you guys obviously have not heard voices or you may never just catch it early…that visual experience totally blew out of the water into something huge. Apparently there is like 10 types of psychosis, which start out with seeing shapes and hearing voices so if i were you keep it on the downlow or you’ll end up in the psych ward as society will want to fix anything out of the norm…having said that my case was different. Actually i’d recommend getting checked out i wouldnt want someones life to be taken over like mine was

Well, it’s been over seven years since I last posted in this thread and I’m still not schizophrenic, so I think I’m okay.

I only see colours when i close my eyes and drift back into the `70s

Interesting thread. I never see anything but at most a little pale white mottling, I feel a little jealous. And to think that I recently read a book where a character referred to watching “the colors on the inside of her eyelids” and thought they were just being poetic/spooky.

As far as mental illness and “seeing things” goes, just because you see things that aren’t there doesn’t necessarily mean you are going insane. Minor hallucinations are a lot more common than people think. What generally turns it into a problem is when something breaks with whatever part of the brain it is that labels perceptions as either “real” or “unreal”; it’s then that you will start to treat those hallucinations as true instead of just going “huh, that looks weird”.

I’ve had things like that since I was but a child. They were wonderfully entertaining when I was trying to get to sleep when I wasn’t tired.

I’d just lay back, and watch as I took my eyes on a journey that my body never did get to go on. In fact, it still happens today, I just ignore it more than not.

I see Elvis

I did a cursory gowiki and it is apparently eminently normal. I must admit I never really thought about it until now. Mine are kinda neat. Usually I see nothing but afterimages or varying flat sheets of color, but if I close my eyes hard I get an amazing kaleidoscope of swirling triangles. It’s fun!

A link for the lazy: Phosphene - Wikipedia

I also see them during a seizure, at least the small ones. If I do during the larger ones, I couldn’t tell you, since I do not remember any of them.

I made sort of a rough image of what mine usually looks like. It’s not exact, but it’ll give you an idea. It’s more blurred, and it doesn’t have a strict pattern like that, but that’s the closest I can get. And usually it’s moving. (I didn’t feel like animating it)

You’re not the only one, I see colors when I close my eyes too. Also I randomly sometimes get spots of light in my vision that temporarily leaves without being able to see much. I saw a specialist and was told its a type of migraine.

I get green rings, red and blue lightning, and deep purple starbursts. Occasionally yellow or white sparkles. I can induce the purples at any time by scrunching my eyes shut hard, holding it for a few seconds and releasing fast.

I always see pixels in my vision. It’s like when you use an older TV, you can practically see all the pixels. I see exactly that.
And just today, I walked into my bedroom, it was really dark so I turned my light on, right as I turned it on I looked into my mirror, I saw a neon green light. It looked like a bright colored ruler, so it was 30cm. It was just floating there, and it was kind of freaky.
I turned off my light to see if it would leave, sure enough, it did. But, it was replaced. This time I saw a neon pink ruler, it was actually pretty.
I wanted to see if I could touch it, so I walked towards it, but it moved too. It started coming towards me, and then it went under my light. I could still see it, so i put my hand underneath the floating object. I was able to hold it. It didn’t feel like I was holding anything though, it felt like air, but it also felt like my hand was gone. It was really weird.
I moved my hand, but the neon pink light came with it. I was surely holding it. Then, it left, I looked back at my mirror, and the same thing happened. The pink light was floating there, and it came towards me.
I’m kinda freaked out here!!!
And everytime i look at a light (like a light bulb or something) I’m blinded by the light, but the image of the light is there for two minutes. I then see these cyan colored circles popping up.
When I close my eyes, I can see stars and the scales of an alligator. It’s really weird. I also see blue lights.

I see dark purple, black, and white spiderwebs completely weaved together and morphing into black and white shattered glass shards. It’s hard to describe but ever since I was little I’ve always seen the same thing and I’ve always tried to think of a way to show people what I see when I close my eyes.