Do You Still Have Childish Habits?

A few years back (when I was maybe 34), I’m at a friends wedding reception in some old mansion filled with these big Jurassic Park looking plants. So I’m doing my velociraptor impression for my girlfriend. You know, walking like a chicken, making that YEEEEPPP sound and rustling the plants. Anyhow, my dress shoes end up slipping on the marble floor and I go skidding down the staircase, nearly injuring myself.

Another bird of that feather here!

Life is so much more fun if everything is a game. It used to drive Mrs. Dvl nuts, but she’s long since joined me in the insanity. Now, about the in-laws…

I’m 41 and still watch all of the cartoon and stop-motion animation holiday specials every year. I love Hello Kitty. I sometimes sleep with my Scooby Doo doll. I hate throwing away or getting rid of plants or things that are “cute.” I would rather not have a job. I love watching Jonny Quest. I dress fairly “young”, not in a ew-that-lady-is-wearing-teenager-clothes-to-make-her-feel-younger-but-she-just-looks-pathetic way, I just wear the same types of stuff I’ve worn sense my 20s that’s comfortable. Doc Martens, vintage Ts, anything black. What feels comfortable to my skin hasn’t changed, so why should I change what I’m wearing? Obviously, I’ll dress up when I need to, but it’s almost always something that could be worn by a 20-50-year-old. I love Marshmallow Peeps (all versions!) and lots of other candy that most “grown-ups” would shun. I like to stay up late and sleep late whenever possible. I’ll dress up for Halloween (even if it’s just makeup) even if we’re not going anywhere. My brother and I still get Christmas Stockings and presents from “Santa.” I guess that’s enough for now…

I don’t know that one, but on the way to the bathroom I often find myself singing

I gotta pee, I gotta go…

to the tune of John Denver’s “I wanna see, I wanna know, I wanna share what I can give, I wanna be, I wanna live!”

until I realized if I can hear my neighbors through the open window, they can probably hear me. :o

After a lifetime of biting them I finally let them grow out a few months ago and I think they’re way overrated. They look good but I keep scratching myself with them, I can’t put my own jewelry on anymore and since I garden all the time it’s hard to keep them clean and not chipped. Maybe it just takes practice. They can be useful though. Now I understand the jokes about having a swiss army knife attached to your fingers.

I still find myself stepping over cracks in the sidewalk like I did when I was 5.

I pick apart my food. I really enjoy doing things like eating the insides of my burrito and saving the tortilla for last, or eating pizza toppings first, then cheese, then sauce, then squishy dough, then crusty crust. I almost always eat the bread last on sandwiches. I can eat properly if I absolutely have to, but I like doing it my way so much I often even do it in public.

Snow. Everything to do with snow. I can literally squeal and/or jump up & down at the meteorological possibility of snow. (Bear in mind it’s a rarity here.)

I change the lyrics to popular songs to make them about my cats and then sing the songs to said cats very loudly. I’m sure my neighbors love that about me.

I tell dirty jokes to my ringnecks. They’re pretty smart, so it’s possible they understand them, but I’ve never seen them laugh.

Also, the toilet song goes (to the tune of Rock Around the Clock):

How dry I am
How wet I’ll be
If I don’t find the toilet key
Here’s the key
There’s the door
Whoops, too late–it’s on the floor

A friend of mine at work (female, age 27, engaged) has an entire room in her apartment for her Cabbage Patch dolls.

I still play Yu-Gi-Oh with friends. I sleep with a teddy bear (although actually I never did this as a child). I have a hard time sleeping if the covers aren’t over me, mainly b/c as a kid I thought the hand would get me.

I’m also a child-like in some good ways, in that in general I’m trusting, open, and still have my sense of wonder. That’s not what this thread is about though :wink:

They’re laughing on the inside :slight_smile:
I know nothing of the reality behind the actor/real life, but it just dawned on me that a childhood hero, one of the people I most wanted to be like when I didn’t grow up was David Addison. Is Bruce Willis a decent guy? Who cares… I pretty much lived up to my ten-year-old’s hopes and dreams.

[dancing]chocolate milk…

I totally sing and dance for the cat. Not sure she’s wild about it, but it’s what I do. Sometimes I’ll hear SpouseO singing to her something that I made up, too. It’s fun corrupting others.

I still poke and tickle SpouseO a lot - he doesn’t like it, so I try not to do it much. But sometimes I can’t help myself.

It’s pretty cool that he still likes me.

I read children’s books.

I sometimes drive my car into the garage before the door’s all the way up so that the radio antenna bumps. Yes, I’m doing it because I think the sound is funny.

Okay, I just spent like 15 minutes reading through this whole thread and I am still wiping tears from my eyes reading this!!

That’s me, too. Only it’s as much my cuticles as my nails.

It didn’t work for me. I just ended up chewing/picking at my cuticles until the nail started to chip off. Finally I realized I was wasting my money and just gave up acrylic.

LOL…I tried this one, too. Started a lot of arguments. I think there is just no hope for me. Oh, and I’m almost 40.

Oh, lots of things, but I prefer to think of them as childlike rather than childish.

I have a security blanket, named Bankey, who is really just a pile of yarn at this point. I found him when I was three or four (I’m now 27), after we left the original Bankey in a McDonalds. I have him on my lap as I write this. And I suck my thumb when I sniff him. My mom knitted him before I was born out of the most god-awful orangy-brown yarn, and he’s mostly just knots and strings and a few square inches of still knittedness. I can sleep with out him, though I have a few “travel sized” bits that I can take with me in a pinch. I think my husband’s a little jealous of him, sometimes.

I have a lot of stuffed animals, and I get upset if one of them is off by itself. It’ll get scared, you know. Very sensitive people, stuffed animals are.

I’ve actually regressed since I met my husband, who has a lot of the same habits as me. My stuffed animals had stopped talking some time back, and I didn’t make up silly songs. Now, everything talks, and I make up a lot of silly songs, particularly about how much I love my husband, or how badly I have to go to the bathroom. And, when he’s not around, I find myself talking to the cat a lot. And random inanimate objects. Like, this morning, I was talking to a banana peel. He was telling me about how he was a banana peel. I felt a little bad throwing him out.

Sometimes I worry about my sanity, though my husband finds it endearing. Or he’s too scared of me to say otherwise. Hard to say.

I also change the lyrics to pop songs and make them about my cat, but specifically Spanish pop songs. A big hit with my cat Santi (okay, not really), is “La Negra Tomasa.”

“Estoy tan enamorada de mi gato precioso, que cuando se va de casa, triste me pongo!” (Translation: I’m so in love with my precious cat, that when he lives home I am so sad.)

I just want to say that in my personal opinion, there is nothing even remotely ‘childish’ about living with bears (or ‘teddy bears’ if you must). In fact, I consider a bear (or similar friend) to be more or less essential to emotionally well-balanced adult life, and I get slightly wary of those who do not have such friends.

As it happens, I live with five bears. None of them was with me when I was a child, all have come to live with me during my adult years. They do not regard themselves as any sort of ‘childish’ indulgence, and they would find this attitude rather puzzling.

In addition, each bear has his own name, and none of them are called anything like ‘Theodore’ or ‘Ted’, nor do they have any connection to a former US President. They therefore do not regard themselves as ‘teddy’ bears, and do not wish to be referred to as such - although they understand why some visitors use this designation and tend to be quite forgiving about it.

I have many adult friend who understand about bears, and who enjoy meeting the ones that live with me (and may even bring their own bears so that they can meet and play together). These tend to be among my closer friends, and I find them in general to be among the more well-balanced, mature and emotionally well-adjusted people I know.

I have other friends who don’t understand about bears. Without wishing to fall into the trap of sweeping generalisation, these tend to be the ones who have ‘issues’ to deal with, and who perhaps need to get a bit more fun out of life.

For the record, I am male, 47. I run my own successful business, and yes I have perfectly normal, healthy friendships and relationships with a wide range of other grown-up people. And if you ask my Significant Other, she’ll tell you that the bears are very nice to meet and to spend time with.

Bears are always good for a chat, good listeners, always sympathetic and helpful, generally supportive and encouraging, very loyal and affectionate, dependable, honest, fun-loving, playful and rather selfless. Anyone who thinks those are ‘childish’ traits has a lot of life learning to do. We could all learn a lot from bears.