Does anyone know of any 2021 scientific rebuttal to the nonsense peddled about Hitler's supposed Jewish ancestry ancestry?

Do my Levis count as Jewish jeans?

You would think so, though then again, there’s these:

This feels more like a “push poll” than a sincere question.

But what about the way he defined Jewishness? I don’t suppose those with “only” Jewish paternal grandfathers were spared?

I’m not sure these rumors are as prevalent as the OP thinks. Sometimes when something gets under your skin, you start seeing it everywhere. I believe I heard a variation on the Jewish Hitler rumor once, and it was taken to a rather laughable extreme. The way I heard it, he had a fully Jewish father and the Jewish community rejected him for not having a Jewish mother, so he took his revenge. I also heard, in this same lecture by a random moron, that he destroyed art because he flunked out of art school. The Holocaust was a popular topic throughout my education, and this rando’s take was the only time I ever heard a whisper about Hitler’s alleged Jewish ancestry until this thread.

I thought the Nazis decided that didn’t matter as far they were concerned. If you had Jewish ancestry, then you were Jewish, regardless of which side of the family that ancestry was.

Nazism can in no way be blamed specifically on being Austrian/German. Genocide, unfortunately, is a behavior that people of a wide variety of “races” and nationalities have gone in for.

The worst danger of Nazism is exactly that it can happen anywhere.

This is the part I’m having trouble with. Aside from the fact that race is merely a social construct, how do you go from the people focusing on Hitler’s Sephardic roots to people concluding he’d be a mix of all races? Are you saying that people who believe Hitler had Jewish ancestry would also believe he has African and, say, Asian ancestry?

How about linking to just one?

Thanks Monty. No matter how we view race (a social construct), the Nazis (large number of willing German members ) viewed themselves as a ‘master race’ /Aryan race. What they prosecuted was a ‘racial war’. But we’re not here to debate well-worn historical facts. My sole interest was to find an independent study to debunk what the established/quality media view as nonsense (the absence of any such articles is confirmation but also dismissive statements by leading scholars such as Ian Kershaw) which is why you will find no articles (I haven’t after extensive searches) or interviews on Dr. Loenard Sax’s study. It is considered a fringe theory.

I think, along with everyone else in this thread, I’m waiting for your evidence that “the established media” asserts what you’ve said it’s asserted.

“Help! my sane neighbor keep joking that my hero Adolf was part Jewish, help me debunk this nasty slander”

This is the vibe I’m getting.

Considered by whom? If you can answer that, then you also already have the answer to your OP. If you can’t answer that, then why are you saying that it is considered that?

That’s not at all the “vibe” I’m getting. OP stated:

I think it’s pretty clear from their postings that Octagon’s concern very much isn’t that Hitler is being “slandered” by contentions that he has Jewish heritage, but that they’re concerned reports of such will be used by Holocaust deniers to downplay Hitler’s crimes.

I personally think Octagon is wrong about that, in several dimensions, but I’m not seeing any indication of what you seem to be reading into their posts.

You’re not the only one. Sorry, gdave. This OP just feels really “off” to me.

So you only are interested in information that supports your viewpoint.

A lot of people have guttural reactions to the entire subject of Hitler or any part of it. There have been numerous books written about him from all sorts of angles from people trying to find an explanation for the horrors of that time. The OP mentions this guy Leonard Sax who is a psychiatrist peddling the “Hitler ashamed of being Jewish” theory based on what he claims is new information that there were Jewish men in the region where Hitler’s grandmother lived, something previously believed not to be the case. He himself is not adding any scientific evidence of Hitler’s ancestry, just pointing out the work of others to support his theory about Hitler’s mental state.

I wish the OP would explain himself clearly but he hasn’t said anything that would draw the conclusion that he has anything but the same cognitive dissonance about this subject that affected so many others. But he really ought to state his reasoning, and perhaps reflect on that.

Someone just asking questions about matters relating Jews, Hitler and WWII is not indication enough?

There is more than enough material available on the subject in any library. The only people “curious” about this shit have an agenda with swastikas doodled in the margins.

Thank you gdave once again for your consistently calm, constructive response. We need more of that here. Let’s all call it a day.

Somewhere back in time as a kid, I’m pretty sure that I had heard this rumor that Hitler had Jewish ancestry.

I never really thought about it, and didn’t do much to inform on how I felt about him or what he did.

This is the first time since then that I have heard this brought up, though, so, while I can confirm that some people think this and have perpetuated this, I don’t think it’s all that common.

I’m very disappointed that historians in 2021 don’t have the balls to refute that nonsense about Hitler only having one testicle.

It is less common now but the story goes back a long way.

That article goes on to mention Leonard Sax and his theory, which is simply reviving the old stories along with a bit of inconclusive evidence.
Post WWII in movies and television there were references to Hitler as ‘Schicklgruber’, I believe that were understood to refer to the rumors that he had a Jewish grandfather and his father’s name change to cover that up.