Does current political discourse depress you?

I would call it deep amoral rejection of the civic process. The discourse has essentially been brought down to fighting for the survival of one’s tribe.

What is most frightening is that there are those who want to put us on a course for tyranny, but cannot admit or even understand that it is tyranny they want.

The corporate sector has no endgame and no notion of one - only to generate dollar numbers forever. Social conservatives don’t do much better: their future is gated, pious, and mostly White, but otherwise, it’s a blur.

Come on, guys, lighten up. It’s just politics. It’s nothing new. It’s human nature. Ignore the ugly stuff and move on.

Here’s some perspective for you:

Putting that statement in perspective.

Or here’s what Chomsky had to say, in the context of postmodernism:

Hmmm, Chomsky and post-modernism. I think I see your problem.

Man, I’d sure like to. It’s just this, though: every generation thinks it’s the smartest ever. But I can’t figure out whether we indulge that hubris more by believing everything’s gonna go to hell, or by thinking everything’s gonna be fine.

I think your problem extends beyond your lack of reading comprehension, I’m afraid.

It especially depresses me when I see a stupid semantic argument like the one about “you didn’t build that” being fought over as if it represented a policy disagreement.

I agree, but I would find it even worse to let the false claims and misrepresentations be repeated and believed.

Don’t send people off to read stuff any more. Make your case. I am not your student.

I have to be honest, I find conversations about politics to be fun…

But what does get me is how bad liberals seem to be on getting the facts out…about Obamacare, etc. Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like the conservative media is much more effective than liberal forces in this country.

Conservatives have much better discipline than liberals do. They can be much more monolithic.