Does Hezbollah have cells ready to launch terror-strikes in the U.S. if we attack Iran?

Many countries use such influences as reasons to invade another country. For example when the U.S. invaded Vietnam because of the “evil communists”, turns out today Vietnams getting much better under its red rulers. The U.S. also used the same method in the Mexican War, when they took Texas under there wing and started a war just because Mexico was in their territory.

What an absurd Conspiracy Theory. You are spreading fiction and should stop it.

Take, for example, the Khobar Towers bombing, which not only was Hezbollah responsible, they got their marching orders from the highest levels of the Iranian government.

  1. Consisting of roughly 1.25 millenia of FBI man-hours, confirming their findings
  2. Concluded that “the terrorist attack on the Khobar Towers was approved by Ayatollah Khameini, the Supreme leader of Iran at the time. It was also approved and supported by the Iranian Minister of Intelligence and Security (“MOIS”) at the time, Ali Fallahian, who was involved in providing intelligence security support for the operation. Fallahian’s representative in Damascus, a man named Nurani, also provided support for the operation”
  3. Concluded that there was a “plot to bomb the Khobar Towers complex frequently refers to direction and assistance from Iranian government officials.”
    4.Their investigation found that “senior officials in the Iranian government provided them with funding, planning, training, sponsorship, and travel necessary to carry out the attack on the Khobar Towers. (Exh. 7 at 11, 13-14, 27; see also Dec. 18, 2003 Tr. at 24-30.) The six individuals also indicated that the selection of the target and the authorization to proceed was done collectively by Iran, MOIS, and IRGC, though the actual preparation and carrying out of the attack was done by the IRGC.”
    5.Confirmed that the bombers were “recruited and trained by the Iranian government in Iran and Lebanon, and how weapons were smuggled into Saudi Arabia from Iran through Syria and Jordan. One individual described in detail a meeting about the attack at which senior Iranian officials, including members of the MOIS and IRGC, were present. (Dec. 18, 2003 Tr. at 23.) Several stated that IRGC directed, assisted, and oversaw the surveillance of the Khobar Towers site, and that thesesurveillance reports were sent to IRGC officials for their review. Another told the FBI that IRGC gave the six individuals a large amount of money for the specific purpose of planning and executing the Khobar Towers bombing.”

Hezbollah, although your attempt to change the subject to Israel is shocking, novel and effective. (And how!) Hezbollah has attacked and murdered civilians on numerous occasions and casualty counts in a war are deceptive in any case especially if one side uses its own populace as human shields while hiding among them. That does, of course, substantiate the fact that Hezbollah doesn’t have any qualms about calling own overwhelming force against them as they’re perfectly willing to sacrifice civilians to score media points. And as you’re not a native English speaker, you seem to have made a mistake. The word “target” is important, it means what you’re aiming at hitting. If Hezbollah went and camped out in clearly marked military encampments away from civilian centers, only irrational partisans believe that any of Hezbollah’s adversaries would ignore the military targets and instead hit civilian ones.

Of course, as Hezbollah is on record as saying that they mean to commit genocide against the Jews, your claim is, shall we say, unpersuasive.

Dude, your argument relies on Dopers to be ignorant about the Middle East. Swing and a miss. (Well, most are, especially those who post most stridently, but some of us actually know enough to spot your bullshit.) The Arab Riots, as well as centuries of institutionalized discrimination put paid to your claim that the Arab populace of the area was “fine” with the Jewish population.

The one that Hezbollah was using as a site to launch attacks from, which the UN lied about and then which was revealed by, IIRC, a leaked email that the UN had before they claimed that Israel had targeted a neutral UN site? Yeah…

Wonderful. They can’t have terrorist cells because they’re not terrorists. :rolleyes:
Of course, as I’ve already cited how Hezbollah cooperated with and helped train Al Quaeda, your denial is, also, unpersuasive.

Also fictional. Your claim that the recent near civil-war in Lebanon was because they had some “security cameras removed” is, yet again, fictional.

Sorry, but you’re posting on a website with people who actually know about Hezbollah. As long as it’s clear that either you don’t know, or do know and aren’t posting accurate claims, your argument will be stillborn.

Even if Israel did take Lebanon, what on earth would we do with it?

The fact of the matter is, the entire conflict between our countries is manufactured by Hizballah. We don’t need another front to fight on so close to home. If the Lebanese were to declare peace with Israel tomorrow, we’d welcome them with open arms.

First, all the information you have about the Khobar Bombings comes from FBI reports as you have said. Pretty easy to falsify no? Just like the U.S. blew up their own ship near a Spanish colony so they could start a war with them back in the day?

Second, Hezbollah is the people they don’t hide with the people. Most of South Lebanon is them, and all the civilians evacuate to the North in times of battle, and Hezbollah operates from the empty villages. I know one hilltop accross from a village, NOT IN IT, they used to launch rockets.

Third, about the U.N. base, that seems like a pretty good strategy.

Fourth, they never would work with Al-Queada, shia and sunni’s NEVER work together.

Fifth, how is it fictional that hezbollah does not want to control Lebanese society? they have been there for quite a while and have a lot of power, i have not seen any new laws appointed by them, and i’ve been to Lebanon many times. I’ve seen girls in bikini’s right next to girls in burkahs.

And about them closing the country down because of the security cameras, i don’t see why not that article you posted is true. But it doesnt change the fact that it showed their power yet they haven’t used it to impose any harsh laws that you saw they will.

Also from your original quote of who we are:

By virtue of the above, we do not constitute an organized and closed party in Lebanon. nor are we a tight political cadre.

It quite clearly states there they are not there to control the government.

And faced with hundreds of FBI agents spending years of work vs the claims of an anonymous poster on the internet alleging a Conspiracy Theory, I know which one has vastly more credibility.

Your boilerplate propaganda aside, no, Hezbollah are not “the people” and yes, they do hide among human shields in order to draw return fire down on innocents and which they responded to with a well-oiled team dedicated to aiding or creating media deception and distortion.

How interesting.
First you claim that the strike at the UN outpost was evidence of civilian targeting, and then when it’s proven that Hezbollah was using the UN personnel as human shields, you declare it’s a good strategy but don’t retract your earlier claim.

I’ve already cited how they did.
Faced with being proven wrong, that you simply reiterate your claim suggests your argument cannot be truted.

Who “we” are?
Are you claiming membership in Hezbollah?
As for being able to argue that an armed faction carrying out a foreign leader’s will in Lebanon is not an attempt to dominate and subvert Lebanon, good luck selling that argument.

No im not claiming to being a part of Hezbollah.

Who we are: = “We are often asked: Who are we”

^^that was part of the quote you posted

"As for being able to argue that an armed faction carrying out a foreign leader’s will in Lebanon is not an attempt to dominate and subvert Lebanon, good luck selling that argument. "

I don’t even need to argue that they aren’t when there is no evidence that they are. As i have already stated, besides making Isreal withdraw from Lebanon they have not interefered with the ways of life of the people. They don’t make anyone become muslim, and they stay out of Christian or Druz territories.

Although I have actually seen that U.N. base, it is located in a valley. Either way Isreal has pin-point missile strikes. I know this because they are know to aim a missile through one room in a house. So i don’t think it would have been hard not to hit the U.N. base. In that article the Canadian soldier was saying they were around their position, not right on them. It’s different if they are 5 ft away from eachother, but in that case im guessing they were say 50m.

And the U.N. school they bombed with women and children in it in Gaza? Don’t hear you answering to that. Or how about the orphanage?

First of all, just because some of Israel’s weapon are capable of pinpoint precision, that doesn’t mean all of them do. Second of all, sometimes they miss.

But really, I don’t understand your logic. Hamas puts missiles on top of orphanages and prevents the orphans from leaving, and it’s Israel’s fault? Hizballah fires missiles from the middle of towns, and it’s Israel’s fault for responding?

If they were men, they’d fight out in the open; but they’re cowards, who fight behind women and children. And we cannot allow cowards like that to win.

As your argument is typified by fictional claims which are not retracted, followed up by further logical and/or factual errors there appears to be little advantage in engaging you in discussion. You first claim was that a UN post was gratuitously hit, and you used that as evidence of “targeting civilians”. You were immediately proven wrong and shown that Hezbollah was using the UN post as human shields. You then, without retracting your statement, claim it’s “good strategy” to use human shields in such a manner. Then you claim that the Hezbollah militants were not in proximity to the UN outpost, and engage in baseless speculation about ordinance. However, the Canadian UN observer specifically stated “'We’ve got Hezbollah fighters running around in our positions, taking our positions here and then using us for shields and then engaging the (Israeli Defence Forces)”

You ignore all that and create a new fictional claim.
Your argument cannot be trusted.

That you’re doing your best to switch the topic from Hezbollah to Israel further cements the judgement that your argument on the subject of Hezbollah is anemic to the point of utter impotence. An example of such behavior is your attempt to switch the topic from Hezbollah to the Al-Fakura school incident, an event in which the school was not bombed (contrary to yet another of your fictional claims), Hamas militants were firing from next to the school so as to use its populace as human shields, and return mortar fire targeted the Hamas fighters and not the school at all. In point of fact, not only was the school itself not targeted, let alone hit, but nobody inside of it was killed. Your argument is the worst kind of false-to-facts, nonsense. It is profoundly unwise to dignify such an argument with honest debate.

I do, however, reserve the right to point out any future bits of fiction which find their way into your argument.

Ok, I see your point.

Perhaps a bit off topic, but I would like to question the bolded statement. This statement has been made in simmilar form against Al-Qaida regarding the 9/11 attack. To me it doesn’t make much sense. More likely motivations would be revenge or to provoke counter attacks (even war) which will (in the perpetratorns mind) help the cause by polarising a populace, and increasing the power of the terrorist network. Isn’t that a more logical motivation?

The idea that “they are doing this because they think we WON’T freak out and kill a bunch of people” of course makes it more attractive to, you know, freak out and kill a bunch of people.