Does it annoy you when someone says "God bless you!" after you sneeze?

Doesn’t bother me at all, but I still like my mother’s line: “are your shoes still on??” :smiley:

I’m completely non-religious and it doesn’t matter to me at all. If it seems like there is going to be a bunch of sneezes after the second bless you I announce “That’s all you get.”

I’m a Christian. If an elderly Englishman says, “By Jove,” am I entitled to snap at him for invoking the pagan God Jupiter?

What? That would make me an over sensitive dick? Thought so.

BTW, “goodbye” is a contraction of “God be with ye.” Gonna get pissed off now whenever someone says goodbye? You’re gonna be real popular.

Yes, I find it annoying when another human being makes a small, unnecessary gesture of good will.

Well, I just saw on TV (so it must be true!) that if you sneeze three times without someone saying God Bless You, the Leprechaun can claim you for his bride!

As another allergy sufferer, I simply tune it out. If people want to do it, fine, although I do wish the practice would go away. Unfortunately, some people will take my unwillingness to acknowledge their pestering bleating as somehow being rude on my part. In that case it annoys me, but never to the point that I respond with, and may Satan fk your a. I simply nod in their general direction with a grunt and go about my business.

Thank you! You just gave me the best laugh of my day!

I agree. It has been going on so long it is just a weird, automatic social construct of a call/response now.

I am going to do this from now on.

“God bless you!”
:dubious: “Which one?”

I’m atheist and I feel a bit weird if someone DOESN’T bless me. I KNOW it doesn’t do anything, but I feel like it’s a sweet sentiment that shows you care, as silly as it is. I like it very much when people say it, especially strangers in public.

It’s just good manners here in the South.

Specifically “God Bless you?” Then, yes, a little bit The polite phrase is just “Bless you.” Putting “God” in front of it comes across a bit holier-than-thou. It’s similar to someone who corrects you when you mention “Good luck” or when they say “Have a blessed day.” Even among fellow Christians, it comes across a bit try hard.

Of course, they may have just always said it that way, so I don’t let it get to me too much. It’s more a small sign. It can mean nothing. It’s definitely nothing to get offended about.

Because German is a hilarious language.

I’m a pagan, and it doesn’t bother me at all. I often wish obviously Jewish people a “Gut Shabbos” and if they say “Same to you” I simply say “Thanks.”

I find the custom mildly irritating. It’s just a sneeze, I’m not dying.

Then again, I’m the kind of person who, after striking out the side, would dramatically point downward.

Funniest thing ever. I wish I could say this at work

I have a black cat who gets sneezing fits sometimes. “Hail Satan” seems quite an appropriate response for him. I use it a lot at work, I am not religious and as far as I’m concerned, that’s as useful a phrase as any other.

You sneeze once, I say “God bless you.” The second sneeze, I say “Twice for the two natures” (Jesus has two natures, one human, one divine). Third time I say “For the Trinity”. Fourth time is “all the saints and angels”.

After that, you’re on your own.


It doesn’t annoy me if someone says “God bless you”. What does annoy me is the occasional implicit disapproval (at least, that’s the feeling I get) when I don’t say it, or anything, when someone nearby sneezes.