Does Metal Gear Solid 4 get better? Cause I'm not loving it...

Yes, I also disliked that. I prefer the concept of Ocelot as having no back story and no origins. His character would be better that way.

This is one of those things that a lot of people who make games and movies in a serial format should understand. Not everything should have a backstory. Some characters are better off not having one. Boba Fett in Star Wars was a good example.

Yep. The only thing we need to know about Ocelot is that no matter who he seemed allied with at the time, his true loyalty through all 3 games (haven’t played the fourth, so I don’t know if they changed it) was always to the Philosophers/Patriots. The fact that he’s always screwing over Big Boss and the Les Enfants Terribles clones in various ways, but not really having anything personally against them other than they work against his bosses was enough. (I still don’t quite understand what the purpose of having Liquid’s arm grafted onto Ocelot was supposed to accomplish from a narrative perspective in MGS2. One of the most hokey deus ex machina things ever put in a video game.)

I have to say, that scene in Sons of Liberty where you see Liquid’s hand “take over” and Ocelot’s hair comes undone and starts blowing in the wind wildly, which was clearly intended to evoke the physical appearance of Liquid, was pretty cool.

Yeah, it was. One of the things I always liked about the series was this type of visual detail to things.

So AT, you play any more?

Actually, I haven’t. I’ve been busy with other stuff so I’ve been playing the new PS3 only sporadically. I bought two other games just for some variety (before that, my only games were MGS4 and GTAIV.) The games were Mercenaries 2 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I will be returning them both tomorrow, though. Ninja Gaiden turned out to be a PS3 port of the original Ninja Gaiden for XBox which I’ve already played (this was really NOT clear from the box - I should have gotten Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 [Christ, guys, you need to get a little more creative with these names]) and Mercenaries 2 is a pretty lousy game obviously created for the inferior hardware of the PS2 at the tail end of that system’s life and then revamped for PS3. Dumb AI and a “tropical” aesthetic that is so blindingly bright, colorful and light-saturated that it looks like Jimmy Buffet designed it, on mushrooms.

Get Little Big Planet. Best PS3 exclusive by far.

Till God of War 3 comes out that is.

Well, I’m out of the “Middle East” area of the game and in the South American part, which I like much more aesthetically. I’m starting to get into the gameplay more and dig using the little robot to scout out a path. So all is not lost.

However, I think Drebin is the stupidest Metal Gear character ever, and I just had the conversation with him where he explains the “B&Bs” and how they were “traumatized” by war, which thereby turned them into the ultimate female flying supersoldiers, or some shit. Seriously the STUPIDEST SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD IN ANY VIDEO GAME EVER. Like something lifted straight out of the “Buffyverse” or something else from the hack Joss Whedon’s stupid warrior-woman-fetishizing cult. Yes, they were “victims of war,” and because of this, they turned into insane flying mecha-badasses. I don’t know why but somehow that seems so Japanese and anime-like (which immediately turns me off.)

I’m one of the biggest supporters of the PS3 on these boards and I don’t even own MGS4. I played it at a friends house for a little bit, and had absolutely zero interest in ever playing it again. IMO there are plenty other good games on the system, why waste my time playing a game that isn’t enjoyable? Hell, I’m working on my second play through on Dragon Age, and there are still DLC for Fallout 3 I haven’t got yet. Add in my nightly MW2 playing time with friends and the occasional game of Madden and I don’t have the time or patience for a game that I don’t really love. I’d advise trading MGS4 in for something you would love.

Despite my gripes with the game, I love Snake. He’s my favorite video game character - the game is worth it, just to hear his voice and watch his cutscenes.

I forgot about Drebin. Yeah, he sucks. In fact, being able to buy ammo from him at any time made the game REALLY easy.

WTF was with the monkey?