Does the U.S. President have food tasters?

On the other hand, imagine how cool it would be if you could get paid well just to eat meals made for the President? I bet he doesn’t get crappy cafeteria meatloaf that often.

My ex’s dad was on Air Force One about a year after G Dubbya got in office. He told me that they do in fact stock the plane withe anything the Pres requests, which is no uncommon. He did tell me however that the President demanded Lone Star Beer from Texas to be on hand at ALL TIMES. lol Crazy hick. Born in Connecticut, but now he’s pure Texan. ha.

That would make me rather uncomfortable too, if I was the one who did it (which I wouldn’t).

“This was supposed to be your bullet, asshole.”

Bush the 2nd is a recovering alcoholic. Maybe he wanted to watch other people drink it but it seems like an odd thing for him to request.

Possibly, that’s what the guy told me though.

Here’s one from The Guardian:

I’ve seen similar writeups from AP and so forth, you can probably find them with a bit of googling.

It certainly may have changed in the past few years; my response was based on a magazine article I read during the first Clinton administration. Apparently he had a fondness for Domino’s Pizza.

The White House chef does have to undergo a full FBI background check, though.

Many thanks! Interesting article…my first thought, though, was that if the host country is providing the guinea mice, wouldn’t it be possible for somone to develop mice who are immune to the poison of choice?

Ah well…

He may have fallen off the wagon, though if he did it would be in more papers than the Star.

Well, if want to nitpick, he had some sort of problem with drinking until he supposedly quit at the age of 40. But Bush has never ADMITTED to being an alcoholic and I don’t believe any of his closest friends or family have gone public with that revelatio


Really? I thought he was a non-drinker these days.

Thanks for finishing that post! I thought the Black Helicopters had blasted you before you could finish typing…

Even if Bush doesn’t drink, he may wish to provide his formerly favorite beer to the many people who fly on AF1 with him.

Out of curiousity, what does requesting a certain beer have to do with him drinking it or not? He (as others have stated) could be getting it for the 500 people that fly on the plane with him.

More importantly, does he have somebody to chew his pretzels for him?


I was wondering, what happens when the president decides on the spur of the moment, to eat at a popular, busy restaurant? Are the diners who are already eating allowed to finish, or do the secret service forcibly escort them out and tell them to be on their way? What about other diners who have reservations? Also, what about all the cars in the parking lot? Are they all towed away? And the biggie: What if the owner/head chef just doesn’t think the hassle of the secret service is worth the notoriety of serving the president, and tells the president to find somewhere else to eat? How would that go over?

Well, until we can answer the question of whether or not everyone is hustled out or not, the rest of the questions are kinda moot. Largely, I imagine it would depend on the relative personalities of the Prez and his security detail’s head (ie: who would likely win in an argument on whether they should eat at Shenannigans at the spur of the moment), and from there it would depend on the management of the restaraunt.

The element of suprise would probably factor in (since presumably any would-be assassins would have little time to prepare in such a case) and there would be Secret Service guys hanging out in the back making sure the food is not tampered with.

I am pretty sure that the president does not decide to do these sorts of things on the spur of the moment. For all the reasons you state.