Does Your Cat/Dog Like To Ride In The Car?

My cat Cuth loves the car. If you get out his crate, he immediately climbs in and starts yowling until you shut the grate.

My dog loved the car when he was younger. I’d often take him with me places when the weather was temperate, just for the thrill. He was pretty good when left in the car too, he’d stand on his hind legs to look out the window (he’s a tiny little poodle) and to bark at any men who got too close. (Protective little man.)

Now that he’s older and arthritic, it’s hard for him to get comfortable in the car, so he only gets to ride to the groomer, the vet or the kennel, none of them are places he wants to go, especially, so the car isn’t his friend any more. I feel sad that he’s lost that particular joy.

Dogs love the car (after the learned that we go fun places in the car–none were too thrilled about it when they joined the family). Cat’s hate the car, since they never go anywhere fun, only to the vet or other places of torture.

My dogs love the car but no hopping into the front seat for them - they wear harnesses and doggy seat belts. Safety first!

not just no, but HELL NO! both superkitties hate the car with the kind of evil focussed hate that only cats are capable of.

especially miss magnolia.

early on when i first accquired her, she came home in the crate without much trouble. for her first visit to the vet she yowled the whole way.

the second time i took her, i thought, ‘i’ll put her on my lap. that’ll keep her calm.’


**oh, dear og, was that a bad idea… **

she got so frightened, she voided all over me and the driver’s seat. more than once. the car had to be professionally cleaned after that.

today, even an act of god would not get that cat out of the carrier while still in the car.

We have three dogs. They go to work with me every day, and love it. My gf takes them to the feed-store every Saturday as well.

I had a dog about 20 years ago who loved riding in the car so much, he would leap in through the window if you left it open. He was a big, athletic dog; a sort of golden retriever mix. Unfortunately, once we stopped, he would also leap on top of me and depart the car through the driver’s window if I had that open. My brother owned a T-Bird with a sun roof (T-Birds in the 80s had morphed into a big family cruiser) and once told me he left the sunroof open, with the windows up, then came back to the car to see Brandon sitting in the car as if he were waiting for someone to come and take him somewhere. Apparently he had jumped onto the hood, then up on top of the roof and dropped down through the sunroof.

Three dogs. Two are crazy about riding in my truck with me. If they see me back it up to the boat or the camper they will get frantic with fear that I’m going somewhere fun and they’ll be left behind. They spend most trips excitedly coating all the windows in drool. The smallest dog is less enthusiastic. She wants to go because everyone else is, but I think she’d rather have a transporter. She just lies down and sleeps all the way.

My cats, not so much. They only go to the vet, in the carrier. But the dogs? LOVE IT. Evben a ride around the block is a Big Thing for them.

But poor Bunny gets motion sick. She always wants to go, and it never ends well. Even giving her Dramamine doesn’t help. Poor little girl.

My parrot often gets carsick and barfs, which is apparently typical for them. He does better if he can see outside while riding.

Most of my cats have not liked riding in the car at all. Not at all.

The only exception was Sammie, who would stand with her front feet on my shoulder and hind feet on the seat back, and take in the sights. That got some double-takes.

The tale of our cat being moved by car across three state lines:

She peed all over my lap and after that act of defiance was cleaned up, proceeded to howl the whole 9 hours. No music could drown her. No petting could soothe her. No treat could placate her. She went hoarse around hour 7, but, bless her heart, remained sportsmanlike until the very end.

We’re never putting her into the car without some kitty tranquilizer again. (The peeing thing happens consistently during shorter trips, as does the howling.)

Getting in a car mean they’re going somewhere. That’s enough for my dogs. Even if I’m running one errand and the dog doesn’t get out they’ll be happy.
If they’re loose outside and won’t listen, an open car door is all that’s needed (even, one time, when it wasn’t my car).

My neighbors once had a dog who liked car rides so much, if a stranger opened the door to his car, the dog would try to jump in the stranger’s car.

Labradors. :rolleyes:

My cat used to like it. I wouldn’t put him in a carrier but would put his harness on and then leash him to the passenger seat, long enough that he could stand up and move around somewhat, but not go so far as to cause trouble. First time he kept trying to sit in my lap. A couple more times he’d sit on the seat or wander around. Once he got out of his harness when I was in heavy traffic and almost at my destination and got an interesting look from a little kid who spotted the cat loose in the back. By the end, though, he’d just dive under the passenger seat and stay under there for the 3-4 hour trip. When we moved cross-country I kept him in his carrier the whole time as I didn’t want him getting loose or making a dive under the car or something (he did that once at a rest stop, which got another funny look as I had to pull him out from under the car with his harness and leash.)

I had a dog that knew the difference between “do you wanna go for a ride?” and “do you wanna go for a walk?” She loved both. Before you ask, if asked about the ride she would go to the car, if asked about the walk would go get her lead.

He loves it. Its actually difficult to keep him out of the car if you open the door and he is loose. Boom! In the car he goes. Also, he will always end up in the driver’s seat if you leave him inside while shopping or something.

He’s only allowed in 3-4 of the cars because he stinks so bad, so you have to be careful to make sure he is locked up if you are getting in any of the others.

He is pretty smart and I am teaching him the difference between the words Jeep, Truck and Car. He gets it right about half the time, so clearly more work is needed, but maybe we’ll get there. Damn he stinks, though.

Edit: He’ll insist on riding on anything. Bikes, motorcycles, SeaDoos-- You name it. He is a “GoDog”!

OK I’ll bite :slight_smile:

Why does he stink?