Don't Fuck With Chuck!

Chuck Norris is suing a guy who compiled “400 Facts About the World’s Greatest Human.”

Here’s the Amazon link.

Should Ian Spector be getting his affairs in order? Can he use “It’s a parody” as a defense? Does Chuck lack a sense of humor?

It’s all about money. Norris was never bothered by these lists when they were just an internet meme. He picked his favorites out himself, IIRC. Now that somebody’s publishing a book he’s suddenly offended?

Didn’t he do an ad with Huckabee where Huckabee was stating some of the “facts?”

I do find this rather strange. Chuck Norris was a very big fan of the Chuck Norris Facts, quoting his favorites on talk shows, playing on them in a campaign ad for Mike Huckabee and his editorials for the Christian website World Net Daily, and even mentioning them on his official website. Apparently, the main reason Norris is suing is because the title of the book may mislead people into believing that this actually is The Truth About Chuck Norris. Also, according to Reuters, his real name is Carlos.

It should also be pointed out that the author, Ian Spector, is the creator of the Chuck Norris Fact. Also, the actor in that show about Norris on NBC looks nothing like him.

I don’t think he lacks a sense of humor at all. From what I’ve seen he’s been pretty jovial about the whole thing, even picking a favorite or two himself on The Man Show (I think). However I think it’s an entirely different thing when someone is making money off of his name without his permission.

I think it’s just a matter of the publisher using Chuck’s name without permission. They probably don’t need his permission, since it’s kind-of a parody type thing, but if I were a publisher I might be a bit nervous about making that argument in court.

Norris is a public figure. IANAL, but I think he doesn’t have much protection against parody.

An article in today’s paper said that Chuck was suing because some of the “facts” in this book are bigoted, racist and lewd. Perhaps an argument could be made that the author crossed a line with some of his humor making Chuck need to step in. No idea if that’s the case of if that’s just legalese.

Ha! I just got that book for Christmas. Wonder if I now have a collector’s item?

Who’da thought someone backing Huckabee would be “bigoted and racist”. The “lewd” part is odd though.

Maybe there is a joke; Who is more bigoted, Mel Gibson or Chuck Norris? Chuck Norris (if he has time to prepare).

Chuck Norris does not sue. He administers the swift and hard fists of justice himself.

Taking a random browse of some facts online:

Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse. Horses are hung like Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Chuck Norris once challenged Lance Armstrong to a “who has more balls” contest. He won by five.
Chuck Norris’ testicles do not produce sperm. They produce tiny white ninjas that recognize only one mission: seek and destroy.
The pie scene in “American Pie” is based on a dare Chuck Norris took when he was younger. However, in Chuck Norris’ case, the “pie” was the molten crater of an active volcano.

All except the first from this site

More importantly are you going to be named in the lawsuit? I got one for Christmas also, and this was my first thought.