"Don't you dare look in my eyes, peasant!" - Celebrity UL?

Except that I didn’t ask about Lopez’s politics, Nickson’s politics, or about liberal hypocrisy at all. I don’t care to determine if Nickson is generally right or wrong about liberal celebrities being hypocrites. What the hell are you talking about? Did you read the OP?

I asked a simple question. I wanted an answer because I’m curious about what seems to me to be really weird behaviour. I don’t really care what you think is unlikely or what you think about Jennifer Lopez’s political beliefs. The “points” you’re making are an off-topic hijack. Do you have an answer to the GQ, and if not, why are you posting in this thread?

Even this, if true, doesn’t strike me as particularly strange. In a studio setting, a singer is surrounded by producers and technicians who will remain professionally silent through the performance and will be actively searching for any technical flaw that might mar the recording. I can see this rattling a singer and maiing him/her self-conscious, which increases the chance of mistakes, which only makes him/her more self-conscious, etc.

This is quite a contrast from a concert performance, where the audience will be noisy and dancing or swaying and looking upon the singer with adoration amd applause. The feedback is constant and positive and the audience will be made up of people who are already confirmed fans, as opposed to the studio technicians who may be more interested in wrapping up the session and getting their paychecks.

Of course, the whole thing may be bullshit, anyway.

Uh… yeah. Whateveer. :rolleyes:

You know, they’ve got decaffinated coffee that’s just as good as the regular stuff nowadays.

Bryan, I’ll go you one further and say that this is completely plausible and probably should be expected. As a guitarrist who performs occasionally, I frequently close my eyes while onstage to prevent being distracted from eye contact with others. I hate eyes on me. I would bet most singers/musicians would prefer to not have eyes on them while in the studio; at least not from people they don’t know well on a personal level. (sure, a GF or close buddy’s eye contact may provide encouragement).

While I have no evidence of any of this, it seems quite possible and even highly probable that J. Loh’s legitamate request was distorted through the grapevine.

I heard a similar story about a Hollywood star (I believe it was either Kathleen Turner or Sharon Stone) who was in Kansas City. A private car had been engaged to drive her around. When the driver asked her where she wanted to go, her assistant told him not to address her, but to speak to the assistant, who would then talk to her.

I don’t know if it’s true, but I find it believable–and despicable. If I were driving the car, I’d tell her she could speak to me or I would simply drive where I wanted to go. It’s amazing that people can get so full of themselves.

It’s conceivable that the assistant had the full itinerary and list of appointments/meetings, etc, and thus would be the person to talk to if there was a tight schedule to observe.

But if I had to ask an assistant where to go and have that question simply parroted to the celebrity and then relayed back to me, I’d make sure they could see my eyes rolling in the rearview mirror.

Jeez, people. RickJay made it abundantly clear that this is not intended as a debate. Let’s confine ourselves to discussing whether the story about the no-look rule is true, and leave Ms. Lopez’s and Ms. Nickson’s politics out of it.

moderator GQ

Well, ok.
It doesn’t seem likely that any evidence, one way or the other, is going to come forth. I searched google, etc and found nothing.
So I propose we use the common-sense approach. Watch her in videos and interviews and such. Does she seem to be the type who would have that kind of an attitude? Then watch her movies. Is she good enough an actor to appear not to be that kind of person?
Nah, on both counts. I think something just got blown out of proportion.
Work’s for me. I wouldn’t mind indulging in cheeseburgers and beers with her.

This has many of the trappings of urban legend, then. I suspect the story was, in fact, a mistranslation of “please don’t look at me when I’m singing in this recording booth,” which is a pretty reasonable request to make if you’re nervous. Thanks, guys!

I don’t have any real information on whether it’s true, but I did hear that same story on Z-100 in New York, along with another one:

They said that she, having been invited to participate in a performance at Buckingham Palace, demanded that her personal security force be allowed to inspect the palace to be sure the security is good enough for her. The station said that her request was denied, and the Palace representative responded “If it’s good enough for the Queen, we hope it will be good enough for you.” Again, I don’t know if it’s true, but it was reported on a station in her hometown, where they know her personally.

This is %100 true. I did security for a bunch of different productions. Actresses are THE most stuck up people in the world. I did a commercial for Jennifer Lopez perfume or something and first day on location the whole crew had to sign something stating that we would not make eye contact or attempt to talk to her.

This is a story that really qualifies as no more than a rumor given the remoteness of the provenance, but–

Heard about a guy in Wyoming who was a local location manager for “Django Unchained.” The Hollywood production types told him not to address Mr. Tarantino or even look him in the eye. And mostly Tarantino wasn’t in the same place as this guy, so not a problem.

Then one day he hears someone calling to him. “Hey.” Holy crap, it’s Tarantino. Pretend you’re not there. “Hey you. Yeah you.” Oh shit he’s in for it now. What did he do? Waiting for the explosion… “Hey! Do you mind if I piss on this tree?”

My goodness, it’s a good thing you came along SIXTEEN YEARS LATER and confirmed that rumor for us! That’s been keeping me up nights for over a decade and a half…

The number of celebrities who have purportedly told the little people not to look them in the eye is far larger than the number of posts in this thread. Has it ever been true? Sure, why not. There are diva celebrities. It’s not like being asked to believe in alien abductions.

This came out about Steve Harvey a little while ago. I was on his side with this. Apparently he was being pulled in multiple directions right up to show time and he had enough. It could have be handled with more tact but I understand why he did it.

Who is Jennifer Lopez?

I remember a few of the interviews with the fellow who made that controversial Michael Jackson piece that caused all the trouble years ago. His take on the celebrity thing - Michael Jackson was a gold mine. He made millions of dollars (and as the documentary showed, spent it even faster). He was surrounded by hangers-on who managed to worm their way into his inner circle and expedited everything he wanted. Their sole ability to make money was dependent on keeping him happy, so his slightest whim was taken as a command. (It’s not like most of them had the talent to get an equivalent-paying job elsewhere) Nobody had the nerve to say to him about a request “You know, that might not be a good idea.” Whether it was spending all his money, or having little kids sleep over, nobody told him “no”. I imagine any A-level celebrity needs some serious self-control to avoid falling into this sort of trap. (Based on the tabloids, many don’t avoid it). Add in drugs or alcohol, and the path to self-destruction and looney behaviour is paved with Hollywood gold.

The thread title made me think of a scene in Alan Bennett’s play The Madness of George III (and the Roman Numeral-less movie made from it) where King George berates an underling for having the gall to look him directly in the eyes. I never heard of this behavior from celebrities, but don’t have a hard time believing it.

I’ll just note that it does seem that Lopez is most likely a Democrat:

But I’ll also note that there could be a wide variety of reasons for this sort of thing to occur that wouldn’t mean that the famous person is an asshole.

  1. Their bodyguards may ask people to look away, so that it’s easier for them to spot the people who are too obsessed to do so or need to look to try and get a note of their security protocols, to defeat them.
  2. It may be that this sort of direction keeps people from approaching the famous person, unasked, and causing problems. While weird, it ends up easier for everyone involved, if we accept that lots of people can’t handle being near a famous person in a calm manner and that’s just going to be impossible to deal with day and day out for some people.
  3. After becoming a sex icon, you might start noting a large number of people undressing you with their eyes everywhere you go. Your options are either to let yourself go (in which case you’re out of a paycheck), become a shut-in, or bitch-up and tell people to stop looking at you.

If it’s common behavior, then it’s probably better to assume that there’s a cause than that that particular person is a jerk.

Cartman’s girlfriend.