"DOOM Pussy": How many copies sold when this book was first released?

In the never ending debate about where the phrase “the whole nine yards” originated, in a recent thread I speculated whether this book by Elaine Shepard was where it was first coined? It may be that Air Force personnel picked it up from her book, and not the other was around. However, this speculation would be all kinds of unlikely if the book was a flop when released and sold just a few hundred copies. However, if it was a best seller that would be different. And after all, the book was about Air Force pilots, and if it sold well overall, I’d expect it would have been even more popular amongst Air Force personnel.

I notice Ms. Shepard wrote a sequel “DOOM Pussy II”, suggesting that “DOOM Pussy” likely did sell well. Is there any way of finding out how many copies this book did sell? And in particular in the first year after it was published. The next 2 print cites are a 1968 cite in one of the Current
volumes, from the U.S. Air Force Academy, and a classified ad in a 1969 Playground Daily News (Fort Walton Beach, Fla.) 25 Apr. 15 classified advertisement.


Thus if this novel is the origin, then it had to very early readers that started using the term as part of their ordinary language.