Doper Gals: Any of you dealt w/pelvic prolapse? (Boy howdy, TMI)

Okay, the pics of the uterine prolapse??? :eek:

That’s decidedly NOT what I"m dealing with. Urg.

If you’re kegeling with your ass, then you’re doing it wrong.

Also, I am so not looking at any of those pictures. I’ll sit here, I’ll read the thread (while doing my own kegels, dear god help me) but I’m not going to look. Especially not when **Ruffian’s ** describing it as looking like a ‘pink kiwi’. Eeeeeek!

I’m sitting here having really disturbing visions of Kalhoun’s MIL’s uterus, hanging there, by two fallopian tubes. Eeeek.

I so do not want to get older. I SO do not want to get older. And I totally do NOT want to have kids. Eeeee. Those are just body parts that are not meant to see the light of day.


Hello Ruffian, sorry for your distress. Did you check the merck link posted by nyctea scandiaca? The upper right hand picture, the portion marked cystocele should be a halfway decent representation. Sorry the ER staff wasn’t more supportive, but we get pretty used to a life-threatening/non-life-threatening way of looking at things, plus a fair number of people relax as soon as I tell them it’s no big deal; that’s what they want to hear from me. On a good day I can tell who needs more support, but not always, especially if I’ve got people trying to die next door, best of luck,

Do not go to Do not type in “uterine prolapse” or “procidentia”.

I was not aware that the vagina could everted, like a fly’s stomach, straight outta the canal for all to see. This was not the sort of thing that ever had occurred to me. Nor was I aware that the cervix could possibly see the harsh light of day.

So, the vag turns itself inside out and just sits there. And Kalhoun’s MIL doesn’t think maybe it should be pushed back in. You know, it came that way from the factory for a reason.

Ruffian, I feel for you, but from what I’ve been reading (in a perfect mixture of horror and fascination), it’s not really that severe. Kegel your way back to health.

You couldn’t pay me to look at the pictures. Not after the pink kiwi and spice worm comments. I think they told me everything I need to know. Of course, now I’m tempted to bolt myself together so that none of my bits migrate out of their assigned spaces. I’m also glad that I’ve been doing Kegels for ages anyway.

Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever wanted to do that before, although I kind of do now. Mostly I want everything to stay where it belongs. I have been treated to many horrible gynecological stories, since the women in my family tend to have a lot of problems in that area, but none of them mentioned this prolapse thing. :eek:

Ye gads! Never in my life have I been so glad to have been born with a penis! :eek: I keep thinking of all those scenes in war movies and the like where somebody is frantically trying to stuff their intestines back inside of them. I gotta say that if I were a woman who’d suddenly developed “dangly bits” I’d be grabbing the doc and screaming, “Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!” I’ll never look at getting kicked in the nads the same way again.

All that being said, I have to say, you with the face I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

IANAn anthropologist, but I would guess that this is one of the prices of walking upright


Dear Ruffian,
I have Pelvic Organ Prolapse. I did have a Hysterectomy when I was 35 and to be honest; I have no idea what was left in me when I had it. I am an older woman and I’d never even heard of “Bladder Prolapse”. Yet; when I mentioned it to very close, personal friends, they knew about it, and as you said, were quite
blase’ about it. I myself, was horrified to see my Bladder trying to come out. I had no idea what it was! Yikes!:
After researching it in Firefox, I felt much better because thin is quite a common thing that happens in women, just as you described. The numbers of frequency are amazingly high. I guess it’s just one of those things that women don’t want to talk about.
Even if I would subject myself to “The Operation” (which I will NOT!) from all accounts that I’ve herd and read about, it’s painful and has many flaws and is seldom completely successful and causes much pain and difficulty in healing. At my age, I’d never chance it.
I’m a Horse-Person and have fallen my share. I was also an Ice Skater and those falls are quite hard on the body. The last straw was last year when I fell on our own Country property on a concrete slab. I fell so hard; I felt my insides pulling away from where they were. (It felt similar to giving birth). Then came the visible Bladder thing.
My Doctor tells me that one is more open to Bladder Infections with this condition. He also said he would not recommend the operation to anyone. No worry there!
The condition is not really painful to most women if they don’t lift heavy things and stay off your feet when you can; NO RUNNING or jumping. A hot Bathtub bath will shrink it immediately and it won’t bother you again for awhile. Other then that, just tuck it back up. The exercises will most probably work for everyone; but if you can’t; get your feet above your abdomen and it’ll go up and back in if you are still.
This is really something that you’ll have to live with (unless you have the operation; but then you’ve got a multitude of other problems which can even be fatal. Infection is the main drawback, besides the pain and your body may not accept the foreign matter used and you’re right back where you started.
As for you- - - Mr. Tuckferfan; you should do a little research on P.O.P. and you will find that it does happen to some men. That does require an operation, for obvious reasons! I wish nobody ever had to go through this.
Thank you for sharing, Ruffian. I can be found on Facebook.
Sincerely, Suzanne Klee

I had no idea any of this was even POSSIBLE, but DEAR GODS!!

/kegels kegels kegels kegels
Hrm, sounds like a great premise for a kegels advertisement, actually. :stuck_out_tongue:
But they would have to only show it during adult hours, I suspect. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t kegels a brand of hot dogs? Anyways, I don’t see what hot dogs have to do with this issue, but if we’re talking hot dogs my favorite are ball park franks. Not because they plump when you cook them, I just prefer the flavor.

Well, that one medical illustration of the external view of a uterine prolapse did look a little like a hot dog and bun. So there you go.

I have a friend who had the surgical repair. Didn’t seem to be any worse than any other kind of abdominal surgery, at least.

I had a trans-vaginal sling done about 7 years ago because of a “dropped bladder” that was causing incontinence issues. About a year ago some of the symptoms have started again. I went to a urologist who advised against surgery and prescribed an “overactive bladder” medication. He said he thought the TVS had too many issues and could cause other problems. I have a recheck in a couple of months to see if the newest addition to my ever-lenghtening list of pills is working as it should. The doctor said there was a cystocele (I think that’s the term) of my bladder pressing into the vagina, but that it wasn’t especially large. No worries about uterine prolapse as I had a hysterectomy over a decade ago.

Getting old is not for sissies.

Kogels are the brand ypu are thinking of.

First I am in agreement with this, as IMO the urethra works a whole lot better for peeing.
Next, this puts a whole new light on my pro-choice belief that I have the right to control my uterus- because it is inside of my body.:wink:

I know this is a zombie thread, but I hope that the OP comes back to tell us that her body parts are back where they belong.

Holy cow! just holy cow.

I confess that I was so busy being completely freaked out by Kalhoun’s mother-in-law that I didn’t bother to check the date. Great googly moogly.