Dopers 40-ish and over: is your bladder a lot less patient than it used to be?

43 checking in -

Thought it was just me -

If I start to drink a bottle of water at the desk, I am usually headed to the bathroom before I finish it.

Early 40s here. Yes, it’s definitely less patient than it was before, even if I account for more fluid intake.

Well, it’s usually an enlarged prostate that is the culprit, not your bladder. I used to get up four times a night, and started taking saw palmetto (900 mg twice a day). Now it’s once a night. It’s the only herbal product that I have any trust in.

>40 here. I have to go all the time.

My 3-year old daughter can easily go all day without going. She used to go >20 hours frequently (the doctor told us this is not good…). We have to nag her to go at all.

72 and I used to almost always sleep through the night and now I never do. I take a diuretic, but first thing in the morning and I wouldn’t think that would have that much effect.

45 here. The yellow alerts come more often but I can still put them on hold until a facility is conveniently nearby. Except for those time when my bladder knows I’m home…

About a year ago (I was getting to 42), I was seriously losing weight and I added to my exercise program by riding my bike. Up to that point I was pretty normal, bathroom wise. Within a couple of weeks of starting the cycling (and about the stage where my perineum stopped complaining about the seat) I started to get the I-gotta-pee-and-that-means-RIGHT-NOW. I also started dribbling, double-voiding (pee, then have to go 10 minutes later), and had some “performance” problems. I did some obvious things - got a channeled bike seat (to reduce pressure on the nerves), padded shorts, and an appointment with the local urinary clinic.
Eventually I got in for a flow test - I turned up in the morning with a full bladder having not peed at all since the previous night. I aimed in the funnel, and had a typical stop/start leak. Then the nurse told me the only output from the machine was “Sensor Failure.” She gave me a jug of water and sent me off to Pathology to give bloods. I queued for about 40 minutes, and by the time I got to a phlebotomist, I was fit to bust. I was scared that I wouldn’t make it, and when she missed the vein twice I was sweating. Finally I got out, walked uncomfortably back to Urology (not too fast, but not too slow either), found the nurse, into the booth, and damn near flooded the machine with relief.
Then I had a quick ultrasound that determined that I was still holding a significant amount. It seems clear that my prostate is constricting things, but since the seat and pants changes did lead to a significant improvement, I have elected to not have a camera up my urethra yet - plenty of time for things to get worse than they are before I risk sensitive portions of my anatomy.

I just put up with the nightly wake ups.


Yup, me too. I don’t have leaks or accidents generally speaking, because I pay attention and go often enough to keep my bladder reasonably empty. I only had problems when I was pregnant (at age 40) and a couple of weeks ago when I had bronchitis. (That was fun. I managed to both piddle slightly and pop a button off my pants during one particularly bad coughing fit. The button then rolled under the car seat and I had to go digging for it.)

However, I do notice that I have to go at least once at night. Problem is, my son (23 mo) still tends to wake up at night now and then. Especially when he’s got a virus or some other bug, which he often brings home from daycare. So my body is currently trained to wake up easily at night. And then, since I’m awake and/or up, I figure I might as well pee. I’ll be curious if I can still hold it through the night once my son is old enough to wake less often and I get to sleep through the night too!

Right here and now, my money would be on “no”. :wink: