Dopers who's Dopername begins with L

I find that I tend to notice their threads a little more. I give them a slight visual priority over other threads on the page. It’s because for a split second I see the ‘L’ and think “Hey, there’s one of my posts” and in the second split second it dawns that it’s not me it’s Liberal, or Lionne or Lobstermonster

But by that time the thread has got my attention. And I sometimes open it.

Do you find this to be the case about your own dopername?

I zoom in on pig posters. There are a few pigs out there.

I don’t tend to read the user’s name before I open a thread.

I’m an “L” doper. I think I ignore myself sometimes.

“Whose”, not “who’s”.

“Who’s” means “who is”.


I forgive you because your location is Oxford.

There seem to be very few Dopers whose usernames begin with Q.

I don’t post enough to think that any “T” poster might be me, but I do tend to notice the Pratchett-themed names (like “Lobsang”) and feel a certain affinity with them.

I tell you, those “L” people are subhuman slime!
…aw dammit…

I concur.


Mine only starts with an ‘L’ when someone says “Lendervedder, you rogue!”

Lendevedder, Happy?

No, but **Aeschines **and **asterion **need to be banned.

I beg your pardon?

Damn straight. I ignore everything they say.



Not particularly, but I hope in that case that I don’t disappoint you.

So do you! (and Anaamika!)
