Dozens injured in Waukesha, WI at Christmas parade: Nov 2021 [update: 6 dead, over 40 injured][update: trial]

I’ve a hunch that maybe there were one or two specific people in the parade that he had some sort of grudge against, and was aiming for them, and considered all of the other people he was hitting irrelevant.

The difference in these two men and their outlook on life is so unsettling.

Piggybacking on that …

That man really put his life into his hands by letting him into his house, even though he didn’t know what the guy had done.

Back in the day, my mother grew up in a house near a railroad track, and men who rode the rails would sometimes stop at their house and ask for food. Grandma would make eggs, toast, and coffee, and bacon if they had any to spare, and offer them a cigarette, but she would never, ever let them into the house, even if Grandpa and her brothers were there.

I really hope Waukesha continues the Christmas parade. Maybe have a special 2022 float for the survivors and tribute for the victims.

I linked earlier to the Oklahoma State University Homecoming parade tragedy in 2015. They have carried on the tradition. Probably with increased security.

Only before conviction? Or after too?

A lot of them are between convictions. I get a lot of return customers. They must like the service.

Well, yeah…

Boo hoo.

In a class move, football player J. J. Watt of the Arizona Cardinals has offered to pay for the funerals of all six victims.

Watt is a native of Waukesha. Good for you, sir!

The suspect makes a statement:

On Wednesday, Brooks broke his silence.

“I just feel like I’m being [made out to be a] monster – demonized” and “dehumanized,” he told Fox News Digital…

(This pretty much confirms that he’s mentally ill; if he were rational you’d expect him to stick to claiming innocence (sincerely or otherwise) rather than making statements that seem designed to disgust and enrage people.)

Perhaps he’s accurate, and the assessment is accurate.

It’s pretty consistent with being a sociopathic narcissist (a psychopath) to focus on how it is affecting him.

“Just because of this one thing that happened to some people, everyone is being so mean to me.”

Too late to ETA: His mother has released a letter saying he was treated for mental illness as he was growing up, but after he became an adult, he no longer was considered to be mentally ill(? I’m paraphrasing, and that’s how I understand it.).

His family is right about the mental health system being broken. All the cuts the government made to the social safety net since the Reagan Era need to be reversed. And that’s just for a good start.

It’s also much much harder to commit or treat a person against their will than it was 50 years or so ago.

Just call the cops and let them shoot the person in crisis.

That’s the mental health system here in AZ.

This, but we have to do it right this time.

We can’t go back to the era of Cuckoo’s Nest mental hospitals.

Any updates of note?