Dr. Patti Taylor, you might want to try a stock photo [NSFW]

This pic is a little better.

“Patricia Taylor is the leading teacher of Expanded Orgasm in the world today.”
Suppose she had one and her face got stuck that way? :stuck_out_tongue:

I read this as “Polythene Porn”!!!

I’ll bet she IS a delaying orgasm-killing technique.

We’ve received a good number of NSFW reported posts, so I’ve edited the link and title as fair warning.

There were no NSFW pics on my browser window when I opened this link and this looked legit - not porn. Sorry if I caused anyone problem and thanks, Skip for taking care of this.

Does this remind anyone else of the joke with the punchline, “I’ll keep an eye out for ya”?

Actually, I wonder if she has googly eyes due to a thyroid problem?