Dreamlike Movies

Anything by David Lynch. Especially “The Lost Highway”

A few more that I don’t think have been mentioned; Barton Fink, The Blair Witch Project, and Repulsion.

“Svengali”, with John Barrymore, seems to fit in this thread. Hammily acted by JB, but almost the entire movie felt like a dream, no doubt influenced by the dream-like trances the heroine was placed in by the title character. Would’ve been much more enjoyable without the vaselined lenses, and that wind machine.

movies by studio ghibli

I don’t think anyone’s mentioned Monkeybone (which I just saw on TV last night, and loved).

Monkeybone is good??? I always just wrote it off like I did Cool World and Bebe’s Kids.

Well, I liked it. But I hated Chicago, so YMMV.