Dumbest versions/translations of The Bible?

Found it! It’s called The Clear Word, and is a paraphrase generated from an Adventist’s devotionals. Apparently it’s getting Adventists into some trouble, as it clearly is trying to pass itself off as a translation, offending people who don’t want adventist theology handed to them in their bibles. Look it up on Google - you’ll get lots of hits.

Here’s one that lays it out:

Wow- the Annointed Standard Version absolutely blew me away. 100% Jew-free? Must be no Jesus!

I’m with Archernar. When I read the bible with a view to learn from it, I usually go to the New American Standard or the NIV. I like the NKJ too.

But for poetic beauty, nothing beats King James. Thank you, Avaolnian for quoting one of my favorite Psalms.

The Anointed Standard is blocked for me here at work. I guess I should be grateful.

One of the fun things about Bible translation is what they call “dynamic equivalence” – the term that, for 21st Century Western civilization, carries the same freight that the literal Bible term would to a 6th Century BC Jew or a 1st Century follower of Christ. While it’s a good idea in theory, it sometimes gets a bit carried away, as in J.B. Phillips’ rendering of the instruction in one of the (N.T.) Epistles “Greet one another with the kiss of peace” as “Greet one another with a hearty handshake.” :slight_smile:

In the news somewhere, I saw a “translation” of the Bible into SMS messages. A few classic lines from the Lord’s prayer were “god in hvn” and “giv us food”

Heh, I saw it performed live in Louisville, KY in 1985. The entire story is told by one man with the help of a bluegrass band. I found the play to be incredibly moving, and what’s more, it’s the only contemporary musical retelling of the Gospels that includes the Resurrection. I used to have the soundtrack on LP, but it disappeared during one of my many moves.

There was one line in the Jerusalem Bible, a favorite of mine, that my brother lifted as a title for a paper.

It is in Job, when God is chastising Job:

“Have you met the janitors of shadowland?”

I can just picture them, pushing a trashcan on wheels.


I’m surprised noone mentioned Thomas Jefferson’s version where he ripped out everything he didn’t agree with.


There are many extremely abridged bibles for very young children. Here’s part of the creation story from The First Step Bible:

Since there is no pretense of completeness whatsoever it is hard to fault them, but it is kinda sad to see something so big reduced to something so small.

I also have one small anecdote. I saw a huge (at least 2 feet square) old bible in an antique store, Quaker black binding with no writing at all on the cover. It was under glass to prevent the hoi polloi (like me) from pawing it. The card helpfully noted something like the following:

:)Well, thank God for that.

Well, if you did take all the Jews out of the Bible you’d only have about 3 sentences to translate!

From the late, great, stand-up comedian, Bill Hicks:

I have heard of some truly abysmal translations of the Bible in my short time. But that AST…that is the Official Worst Translation Ever Conceived. I wish that I knew what happened to the cello teacher I used to know so he could give that translator a Moron Award.

This, however…

Blast you, Shade! I just changed my sig yesterday! How dare you tempt me with a new, shiny, and funny sig!

I imagine the New Testament would be pretty short without all of the references to Jesus, Pharasees, and those references to the Jews in the Old Testament. Hmmm.

That AST sure is something. That has to be the worst translation I’ve ever seen.

Sorry to drop back into this thread. I know this isn’t going to beat the AST, but some of you might get a chuckle out of The Tabloid Bible, which answers the eternal question, “What would the Bible be like if it was written by the editors of The Sun?”

While the AST version does seem odd, I don’t think “Jew free” means references to Jews have been removed, but only the translation process was “Jew free.”


New, improved, Jew-free AST Bible! We have eradicated Jews totally from this edition of the AST! It seems that there was one who was mixing ink for the pages. However, after a curt and complaining call to the HR department, we got the money-grubbing ink-stained bastard out!

If there are any Jews infesting your old bible, spray with AST-brand Jew-Off! Now with more DEET!
