Dungeons & Dragons turns 5d6 - share your memories here.

Funnily enough, I think the last two months represents the first significant period of time I’ve gone without GMing D&D since I first started to do so.

Everyone here has such contempt for the d20 system…

I have before me my 1974 boxed set of Volumes 1-3 ($10.00), plus supplement 1 (Greyhawk) and supplement 3 (Eldritch Wizardry with a naked babe on an altar on the cover). I bought the box in '75 or early '76. We played constantly through high school, almost every day. I stopped in college because I didn’t like the new rule books (IIRC there was a magazine, perhaps called The Dragon, that I bought for a while in high school).

Of my original D&D cadre, two are in software design and management, two are unknown but when last heard of were married and working, two are unaccounted for, and of the females, one was a psychiatric patient, and the other (that’s me) a psychologist.

I will also perhaps mention that back in the old days, I ran a nightclub called Center of the Sun, lacation obvious, by the clever use of Wall of Ice + Permanent Spell.

I also had some combination worked out that would fell zombies and the like by causing them to cease to not exist.

I ran a goofball campaign once that was like the modern world, but with magical equivalents of tech stuff. So you could pull up to the ride-thru at McDonalds on your griffin and speak into the magic ear, the magic mouth would repeat your order back, then you rode up to the window and handed over some gold for your McLamb Shank or whatever. Then you could head over to the park and listen to the bards jammin’ on their air elemental powered lutes.