Dunkin' Donuts changing to just Dunkin' (yes, with the apostrophe)

That’s the first thing I thought of.

But KFC couldn’t go back Those GMO creatures with 4 wings couldn’t be called chickens anymore.


I’m finally going to be an old coot and say “the local places are better.” Tim’s has lost its lust for me. They do have the best breakfast sandwiches (for fast food), and great simple, black coffee (that’s how I take it). But their raison d etre – doughnuts – suck these days. They’re grocery store doughnuts, and nothing more.

Dunkin’ Donuts has recently started doing the same as Tim’s, i.e., not making doughnuts any more.

Crispy Kreme at least makes their own doughnut , but literally every, single doughnut that they make is glazed with their sickeningly sweet glaze. Want a ganache topping? Sure, but only on a glazed doughnut. I can’t stand them.

There are still a few great local shops around, and without a doubt, they make the best doughnuts.

I like Dunkin’ Donuts marginally better than the local competitor in my area, a local chain called Quality Dairy (or QD as we call it). The only ones around here are part of a gas station. They’re the only ones who make my favorite, coconut donuts. Sometimes I find the DD donuts to be a wee bit old when I get them, not bad but definitely not fresh, either. Our local Krispy Kreme only lasted a few years before they went belly up, I never saw the appeal.

I think I read somewhere about McDonalds or Starbucks or somebody, who removed the apostrophe from the logo to do business in a country that didn’t use apostrophes. Boy, that was vague and fuzzy, but it’s about all I remember from the story. Sorry.

Wait, when did they stop making crullers?

(I haven’t been to Dunkin’ Donuts– sorry, Dunkin’– in a while, but when I do go, French crullers are my favorite). :frowning:

I love to have a beer with Duncan
Oh I love to have a beer with Dunc.
We drink in moderation
And we never ever ever get rollin’ drunk
We drink at the Town and Country
Where the atmosphere is great
I love to have a beer with Duncan
'Cause Duncan’s me mate

Slim Dusty: Slim Dusty - Duncan - YouTube
and, in response, Duncan’s: www.duncans.com.au

Probably Tim’s, err, I mean “Tim Hortons,” which has no apostrophe because of the lack of that possessive form in French.

McDonald’s still has an apostrophe

Making Duncan Doughnuts now just look like a weirdo.

*I made that up. I have no idea if anybody changed their name to Duncan Doughnuts

Maybe this will be the chance for Spudnuts to break into the doughnut big time.

Everyone I know just calls it Dunks.

Agreed. Last couple of times I’ve had a DD doughnut, they’ve been doughy, heavy messes that taste like they were fried in week-old grease. If I’m going to spend the calories, I’ll go to Krispy Kreme or one of the two or three artisan bakeries near my house.

Pringles recently dropped their apostrophe.

Anecdote time. In 1991, I moved to Minneapolis. As a good Chicago area girl, I occasionally wanted a donut. Despite driving all around town, there were no donut stores to be found. There was one closed place that apparently had been a movie scene location, but it was fake.

I don’t think that’s accurate. Do you have a cite?

I feel so much younger now knowing 1986 is recent.
