Dutch fans stripped. Fuck the greedy sleazy and corrupt Fifa

A week or two ago, I was watching the Rockies game on FSN. The jerk who roams the stands found a couple of people with ESPN t-shirts and gave them FSN t-shirts to change into. It was in good fun though, not like this.

From the OP’s link:

Honestly, who didn’t see this coming? Ever since we started naming sports stadiums after corporate sponsors, they’ve been demanding more and more control over their investments in public entertainment.

If people want sports games and other live entertainment to be genuinely local/national/international events where the attendees’ consumer choices don’t have to be screened for “brand correctness”, then they should pay the costs themselves. If they want commercial sponsors to pay for them, then they’ll just have to put up with this kind of brand totalitarianism.

In a case like this where it involves demanding spectator compliance, only to the extent that their contracts with the ticket-buyers give them the right to do so.

Having no idea what the fine print on the tickets says, I can’t speak to that, but that would seem to me to be a crucial but overlooked point in this discussion.

From the OP’s link:

OK, I’ll just say, “That fucking mess of a city on the Thames, at some indeterminate future date.” :smiley:

Maybe FIFA is really trying to help Bavaria out by giving them all this free publicity. It’s really a secret FIFA coup against Budweiser, cause deep down they hate American pisswater, so they signed the deal with Bud knowing full well that they’d be stripping Dutch fans of Bavaria pants and Bavaria would win out without ever having paid FIFA anything. Plus, free beer!

Either that, or I really need to go to bed.

Anywhere I can see these online, or can you describe them? I’d love to see that.

If you went into a restaurant and demanded food in exchange for money, they’d give it to you, right? If you demanded coffee in exchange for money, they’d do that for you too, maybe even if you demanded coffee cups. If you demanded the restaurant, and you had enough money, they’d probably give you that too.

But “demand” doesn’t really mean anything when you’re a private corporation who wants to maximize your profit on one of the greatest spectator sporting and beer drinking events in the world, in which you get to expose people from every corner of the globe from London to Seattle to Madrid to Buenos Aires to Canberra to Ghana to your products and the soccer federation gets a nice kick too. There is no Advertiser’s Union that “demands” rights for advertisers. The advertisers have money, the sports need money (how exactly do you think they pay the athletes?), the fans need sports, the Dutch need pants; everyone wins.

What, you want to pay thousands of dollars a pop to see a live event? No thanks.

This is moot now anyway.

Yeah and good riddance too. Extremely bad form of Holland to play, when they should have given the ball to Portugal after the free-kick.

You can always tell the English,
You can always tell the Dutch,
You can always tell the Irish,
But you can’t tell them much.

Hey, hey, not so fast. We need to consult with Coldfire on the validity of this statement. :smiley:

In case anyone wants to see what these things look like.

Those are cool! Wish I could get a pair, but I’ve no prospects of a Netherlands vacation any time soon.

And Heineken sucks!

Never fear, one need not live in or visit Holland in order to get a pair. . .