eating fetuses -legal question

Everyone is to knock off the sniping in GQ. You know better than that. We have a forum specifically dedicated to that so as to keep it out of GQ!

I made a statement of fact: A placenta is not the same thing as a fetus.
I made another statement of fact: Not all the placenta you buy in the U.S. is from human beings.

Please show me how either of those statements is “emotional”.
Please show me how either of those statements is an “argument”.

Right, and we were all talking about eating fetuses and you brought up the subject of eating placentas. Fetuses and placentas are two completely different things. We were talking about X–you brought up a completely unrelated Y.

And again, these are just statements of facts.

The OP begins:

As no one has asserted in this thread that anyone actually is eating fetuses, I did not find it necessary to restate: “Nobody eats fetuses.” I provided an anecdote that underlines where this misunderstanding comes from.

It seems to me that you replied as though I was offering support for the alarmist claims of the lunatic fringe that inscrutable orientals and misguided newagers were involved in a Satanic plot to get Americans to eat babies. My apologies if I misread the tone. Just trying to fill in details. I have a girfriend who eats 3 grams of dried placenta every day. That’s over a kilo per year. Dry. This is something that is very foreign to many people’s way of thinking, and it’s not hard to imagine prolifers trying to sell people the idea that it’s part of a big abortionist conspiracy. (Unfortunately.) But that’s why we have the Straight Dope.
