End Times in Boston

I just ran down to the cafeteria, and my lunch came in at $6.66. Apparently, I ordered the Number of the Beast special – chicken fingers, of course (and speaking of Tribulation, they were out of ketchup). Meanwhile, the snow is coming down thick and fast, and the office is emptying. But having made things wrong with my God by eating the Beastly meal, I guess I’m condemned to stay.

Tread carefully, Bostonians!

Watch out! Chickens don’t have fingers!

I think this means you have to move to Lynn. Have fun.

Oh, the humanity!

(I got out of work early because my son’s school in the western suburbs dismissed at noon. )

Down at our cafe, if you want fries with your burger its an extra $.69. I wonder what that signifies, Sal?

**Checks bottom desk drawer for breath mints **

Trot, trot to Boston
Trot, trot to Lynn
Be careful, Sa-al
That you don’t fall in!

Ketchup? On chicken? You’re already going to Hell…the End Times shouldn’t matter much to you. :smiley:

Going? Don’t you mean he’s already there? :wink:

Todays Special at The Eschatalogical Cafe is…

Lynn, Lynn…
The city of sin,
You never go out,
The way you came in.

Lynn is almost too easy to make fun of, like Low-rents (Lawrence).

(From a large family of Lynn folks. Bullfinch St, back when Lynn wasn’t so bad)

Just south of Boston, we’re preparing for the end of the world by…making Christmas cookies.

I was just out for a walk. It’s lovely.

What, no ice skating?

Cafeterias never have real ketchup (i.e. Heinz) anyway. But yes, ketchup on chicken of any configuration opens a portal straight to the infernal abyss. The cost of the meal was just the foreshadowing to the true evil deed yet done.

Satan loves ketchup.

You mean Boston isn’t already on the ninth circle of the inferno?

Please to not be killing me now.

Stale Christmas cookies make excellent pucks for pond hockey.

Now, now. That’s not a nice thing to be saying about The Hub of the Universe.

Besides, for a major city that’s a bit temperature challenged, I think Toronto might have Bawstohn beat. :wink:
I will grant that the Bostonian ego is a beautiful bird when in full plumage, however.

No, but I did just wrench my back shoveling. [hijack] between the fractured leg, the four root canals, the appendicitis, and the back issues, I am so ready for this year to be over! [/hijack]

It is awfully pretty our there, though.

I’m looking out my window at the blue sky, temperature in the low 60s…

…and I just got an e-mail from my school account at Harvard stating that non-essential staff should stay home, and most classes have been canceled.

I missed being there for the World Series parade, and watching the Celts emerge from the cellar of the Eastern Conference… but I am all too happy to be 2000 miles away right now!

(BTW, what’s up with stuff blowing up in the Hub? There was that huge explosion in the area last year, and I just got wind of a story about a gas tanker blowing up in Everett…)

Poor dear. We’ll have to do the '08 dopefest early, while you’re still healthy enough to be moved.

I dunno. I have a big birthday coming up in February. I think it’s all just going downhill…

Oh, back on topic—I mean if the world doesn’t end today and all that.