Enterprise: The Breach (spoilers after US airing)

Yes, but known by a Denobulan. Have you seen Denobulans outside of that show? Archer kills them all, so Kirk can never meet them or their magic fuzzballs!

Yeah, on Voyager. His name was Neelix!

Yeah, it was in that DS-9 episode: Bunch of Stupid Bajor Crap when they all went back to San Fransisco and became the 1970s super band Journey.

Has anyone else noticed how much the ridges on Dr. Phlox’s face resemble Deep Space 9?

Howabout when Kirk talked a god and a supercomputer into fighting each other while he was busy bedding some alien chick that probably didn’t even have an appropiate orifice?

Oh, right… that was every episode!

Bunch of Stupid Bajor Crap — I call those episodes BBE’s, for Boring Bajor Episodes.

Some of them were interesting but yeah, for the most part, they sucked.

The prophets want me to be annoying, Emissary. I must be annoying, Emissary. Annoying annoying annoying. I also lobotamize people named Jack, Emissary. The Prophets told me to…

Good NCB impression*, Tars.

*I kid, I kid. I have nothing but manly heterosexual love for the CluelessBoy even though he has horrid taste in all things Trek

And now, welcome to Viva’s amazing Multi-Mega Post:

–I liked that they finally got back to the rift between Phlox and son Mettis that the doc mentioned way back in “A Night In Sickbay”–speaking of which, would you believe it’s up for a Hugo???


–Dammit, Jim, why don’t these so-called writers show up in my class? I’d teach 'em a thing or three about proper grammar! Phlox said, “I used to lay in my bed” (or something similar). Once again, but probably not for the last time, it’s LIE. Lie!!! Lie in my bed! Lie like a rug! ARRRGGHHHH!

–Travis was left holding the bag, literally. (Do you suppose there were a few waste bags o’ poo involved too?) He’s running a close second to Trip in terms of being banged up and otherwise abused, giving the Triphammered site a little competition.

–So the Denobulon digger had other samples, eh? Samples of POO?? (Sorry, but I have been “inspired” by Kn*ckers’ Pit rant.)

–Bakula really does do a bit better when they give him stuff to be angry about. He didn’t furrow excessively in this one either. Maybe someone took him aside and had a little chat about it: “Scott, why don’t you put on this skin-tightening facial cream? When it dries and hardens, you won’t furrow nearly so much.”

–Hey, Kn*ckers, have you tried Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans yet? They are truly disgusting. Highly recommended. The dirt-flavored ones are especially gross.

–I have seen the face of Aesiron. I have seen the face of NoClueBoy. I have seen the face of…me. I’m gonna put us all together in a menage/collage of Trek Dopers someday and throw it onto my website.

Oh, was this the serious thread?

I’m starting to think we can’t be serious.

Anyway, AOL didn’t tell me that someone had responded to this thread or I would have been in here like three seconds after you to post something inane like I always do. I’m being repressed!!

I was beginning to wonder where you were. And I’ll have to leave soon to get up early tomorrow. Oh, wait, it’s nearly tomorrow. I’ll have to get up early today. Soon. In a few minutes.

AOL sucked you into the breach! It’s my ISP and it blows.

I’ve been thinking about getting cable lately. I already pay $25 for AOL and like $30 for a secondary phone line so I don’t have to worry about getting booted for trivial things like my sister calling to say my nephew died, etc. That’s $55 and cable costs about that much… really need to look into it. Fecking dial-up.

By the way, it did it to me again. I just now got the email notification and am finishing up my post. Feh!

Speaking of repression…If the Madcap Trio were spelunking for at least three days, why didn’t their beards grow? Did they take along Facial Hair Repression Gel? They sure as hell got stubbly in “Shuttlepod One.”

It’s only Thursday here, damn it. Not Saturday. :mad:

Okay, then I’ll be sure not to tell you all about

all the sweaty male-bonding that went on during commercials.

Why would I be interested in that?

Ae - siiiir - on. Ae - siiiiiir - on. Not Kn*ckers. Ae - siiiiiir -on.

Hey, in the preview for next week, they missed a perfect opportunity to throw in an unzipping sound when explaining the aliens need three to get it on!

At least they’re billing it as humor. Still doesn’t mean it can’t be A night in sickbay v.2.0…but given the improvement after the hiatus, i’m willing to give it some more ground. About two inches.

From my thread:
What the heck is the light shining on the ventral side of Enterprise in the fly by at the start of the episode? It isn’t a sun because they are traveling at warp.

Why when the ship undocks with Enterprsie does it roll to be in the same plane as NX 01? They’ve traveled the whole way sideways in relation to Enterprise.

Two used plots, but well handled. We know that the protagonists won’t die in the cave, but it was still riveting. The slide down the rock verged on the comic, though.

My favorite line is from Tripp: “If you don’t start movin’ in five seconds, I’m gonna take my phase pistol and shoot you in the ass!”

And new…was the moutain climbing gear LL Bean stuff, or were there any inovations?