Entertainment options: what's your absolute dealbreakers

For me it isn’t the presence of a psychic. It’s any connection to a real-world psychic. I quite enjoyed Medium until I learned that it was based on a real person, and we were supposed to believe that stuff like this really happened to someone. Sorry, but no.

IV, yes. III, no.

Maybe you should just go ahead and endorse the even-numbered Star Trek movie rule. :rolleyes:

romantic comedies. There has to be something really extra-intriguing about a romantic comedy to get me to watch it.
The presence of Drew Barrymore and/or Adam Sandler
Almost anything put out by the Disney Channel
Any movie that looks interesting at the beginning and has an interesting premise… and then ten minutes into the movie, it becomes apparent that there will be stupid romanceness. Bonus points if it’s apparent that the audience is supposed to be surprised by it.
Any high school movie that involves trying to be popular. There’s almost no way you can make that kind of movie NOT dumb.
Almost anything with a pop singer trying to act

Oh, yes. And people look at me weird when I say this. I watch sci-fi and fantasy yes, but you watch overly perfect romantical stories and I’m the one living in fantasy??? (Not directed at Dorothy but a generic “you”)

Currently, the presence of Owen Wilson and/or Vince Vaughan.

Remakes are my bete noir.

As to the OP Medium is one of the 4 or 5 TV programs I watch at the moment. I think the acting, the production and the scripts are all very good and I love the way they stretch the bounds of their “world” to keep it interesting.

I mentioned the fact that I liked it at work last week and one of the guys said, “I don’t like it. I don’t think it is very realistic.” I just laughed at him and asked him why he even thought it would be realistic - it is about a psychic who works with the local DA after all. I pointed out that I could get past that just as I do when I watch Family Guy - Stewie and Brian??

Talking ‘real’ animals, arggghhh.
Babe, Bambi, Watership down… give me a bacon, vanison and rabit stew please.

I don’t disagree with any of that, but the fact that Medium is contributing to real-world psychics, even indirectly, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Some people don’t buy Domino’s because of the owner’s politics, I don’t watch Medium.

Maybe he was talking about the characters? (I haven’t seen the show.)

I’ll happily watch a far-fetched sci-fi/fantasy show, but I’m a stickler for character motivations and behavior. Put your characters into an unrealistic setting, but don’t have them react unrealistically!

Stories that make adultery/cheating okay because the people who are cheating together are REALLY in love, and they’re not REALLY in love with their spouses/partners. The one that first comes to mind is the movie Serendipity with John Cusack, but I know there are others.

::cough::cough::Hitchiker’s Guide::cough:
Really obnoxiously bad science. Sappy, sacharine romantic stuff.

Yes! The Horse-Whisperer! What a gold-plated bitch, she claims to love her husband and yet she’s sleeping around behind his back.

I am so with you.

There’s a very intelligent ainme series called His and Her Circumstances that sort of twists the whole high school popularity thing around. It starts with the two central characters already the most popular kids in school (and the ones that also always come top in class – it’s in a Japanese high school, so that is credible). As the series progresses, they accept that they were both covering up their insecurities in different ways, and there’s more to life than being popular and being top in class. So it’s the becoming-most-popular story in reverse, and hence it’s one that you might like. (It’s also published as manga, under the title “Kare Kano”).

What about Domino’s politics?

The owner of Domino’s is a very big “pro-life” supporter and gives money from Domnio’s profits to anti-abortion groups.

I haven’t seen it awhile, but I don’t think Cusack & Beckinsale’s characters ever actually cheat; both are close to making a commitment to another but having cold feet and want to make sure they’re not missing something they were destined for.

That said, I hate stories when one character leaves his or her bride/groom at the altar for another character, and no one even acknowledges that this is a horrible thing to do. The best thing about Four Weddings and a Funeral (apart from John Hannah’s character) was Hugh Grant’s character acknowledging that he was a horrible,horrible person.

How does Titanic involve the words “Based on a True Story”?

Historical fiction in which the protagonist has the morals and worldview of a 21st person. It drives me insane. Ahab’s Wife is the first example that comes to mind. The heroine thinks like a late 20th century liberal feminist, not like a 19th century woman: “The Indians are our friends! It’s wrong to kill whales!” It’s like watching a movie set in the 1600s in which all the characters are wearing blue jeans.

Yeah, that’s the one that came to mind first, though there are PLENTY of them :frowning:

I’ll also agree with talking babies/animals, with the exception of cartoons, since pretty much everybody talks in cartoons.