essential cookbooks?

Thanks. A friend brought me a copy of the old Gundel cookbook twenty years ago and I’ve never found anything I liked better. I love Hungarian cuisine, and now I’m going to look for Culinaria Hungary, too.

Interesting. I love reading the science in this book, but the couple of recipes I made from it left me cold. It may be that, given how sciencey everything looked, I was scared to tinker, and so I didn’t make the food just how I wanted it; in any case, I haven’t used it for recipes in years.


Yeah, you’re right about that.

The site also allows you to save “recipe” cards so you can always go back and grab an old recipe you used once – a nice feature.

They seem to have recipes from Bon Apetit and Gourment magazine, two food-mags I tend to trust.

And, they also have drink recipes.

And, unlike some other sites, their “search” is useful.