Ethical to screen out Trump supporters applying for a job?

Odds are good that there is more than one person who can do those tasks. Unless you are in a “millions of people are going to die/dollars will be lost tomorrow” situation, you can keep looking.

It would be interesting to know what this employee has taken away from this experience. Did they change their behavior in any way towards their fellow employees or just go into hiding with their beliefs?

I have a relative who worked as a corrections officer most of her life. This has obviously affected her thinking in all sorts of ways. She truly does have dear friends who are Black and Hispanic and everything in between. These are fellow CO’s and others in the business of law enforcement. But she’s a Trump fan. Just yesterday I saw her post a “NO” in response to whether or not she would watch the Biden/Harris inauguration. I can just imagine the petulance.

The problem is, talking about politics is just not allowed so I can’t even try to change her mind about anything. We tiptoe around everything and it puts a strain in our relationship.

I don’t know what to do about it.

As a general rule, my mother likes Mexicans. I have never heard her say anything negative about Mexicans as a whole, she doesn’t speak derisively of those who don’t speak English, and she certainly doesn’t view Mexican-Americans with suspicion or fear. But she’s convinced that the “illegal” aliens are full of bad hombres, thinks the wall was a good idea, and wants to see Dreamers deported so their parents don’t win. I cannot reconcile that person with the kind woman I grew up with and it’s hard to talk to her about anything political these days. (I believe we have a right to control our borders, the wall is a stupid idea, and I want Dreamers to have a path to permanent residency/citizenship because it’d be cruel to deport them from the only home most of them ever knew.

Ashli Babbit, the woman shot and killed by Capitol Police, voted for Obama-Biden. This woman died trying to prevent the election of a man she had voted for as VP just a few years ago. It’s like some madness has gripped the nation and how do you reason with that?

Until Biden says that lots of ANTIFA are good people, we can skip the false equivalences. And I’d be surprised if there were a tenth as many members of ANTIFA as Trumpist paranoids claim there are. And they must be brilliant, also, being able to retroactively change the social media of Capitol insurrectionists to make them look like Trumpists. Kind of like how Obama’s parents made it look like he was born in Hawaii to allow him to be elected decades later.

I know a paramedic who is a complete bigot, and especially hates Muslims. I asked if she would really treat Muslims like she treats white, Christian patients and her response was a smug, “I’ll follow protocol”. Even if true, it means a Muslim patient will get exactly the minimum required and nothing more. Subtle, but deadly in many cases.

I live in a hardcore Trump area where, if you’re hiring local employees, you’re hiring Trump supporters. We were well known for racism even before Trump. And we also have a major opioid problem. State & local leaders keep talking about the possibility of new companies locating here and I keep arguing no large company is going to locate in an area where bigotry (and drugs) are standard. Thanks for confirming my pov.

Employers routinely hire/fire employees based on what the employees do on their own time – via drug tests. Should racist activities be considered as serious as drug use?

I think employers should be prohibited from testing employees for drug use unles the employer has a specific reason, clearly stated, backed up with evidence, that that employee is using drugs in such a way as to affect his or her job performance.

Obviously there are job categories that merit more scrutiny of an employee’s off-work recreational drug use. And smoking a little weed isn’t, or shouldn’t be, in the same category as, say, heroin use.

But that said, I think employers should stay out of employees’ private life.

Clear enough?

If I was hiring paramedics, I’d pass on hiring her.

My takeaway was that witchhunts are bad. You shouldn’t be out there trying to find the slightest possible indication that someone might support a potentially dangerous political philosophy. They created these lists of “communist sympathizers” who weren’t in any way. And, even then, they thought communist meant “Soviet sympathizer” rather than just a political philosophical difference.

The premise of this thread is screening out those who are publicly Trump supporters, not trying to do some sort of witchhunt. And the evaluation is based on how exactly they support Trump (e.g. ignorantly vs. supporting sedition) and how this would affect their ability to do their job.

That said, yes, the beliefs themselves matter. Trumpism is inherently authoritarian. Communism, while often implemented in an authoritarian manner, is not. Trumpism is inherently racist. Communism is not. Trumpism is inherently classist and nationalist. Communism is not.

It’s more likely that someone who openly supports communism could still be a good worker than it is for an open Trump supporter. A communist is much more likely to be a team player, to have some sort of moral compass. And a Trump supporter is more likely support corruption, treating people horribly, racism, and so on.

The idea that one’s politics should not matter was made with certain assumptions that do not hold today–that neither side is trying to overturn democracy and disenfranchise the other side. We’re not in that place anymore.

It’s kinda like saying those of us with masks should be willing to work with those who won’t wear them. It just doesn’t work that way.

Apologies for the drive by, I haven’t read the whole thread…

I’m OK screening out potential employees if they are racist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted. One common refrain here is “Trumpers can be good at their jobs, so you should hire them if they are qualified”. Virulent racists too can be good at their jobs, should you hire them?

I’m not OK screening people because of their political views in general. But political views get really blurry.

  • Communist…probably fine, but you’re working for a for-profit company. Would your beliefs somehow make you a risky person to hire? Are you more likely to divulge company secrets or talk in disparaging terms about the company or it’s customers if they participate in capitalistic activities you find objectionable?
  • Libertarian…probably fine, but if there is a regulatory aspect to your job or a need to work with the federal government, am I in jeopardy because you don’t believe in oversight of any kind and could open me up to penalties?
  • Green…also probably okay, but if my company is involved in fossil fuels or agriculture are you going to be a malcontent or secretly talking about the company’s misdeeds anonymously on Reddit?

But then there’s a whole category of “political” views which seem to fall outside of what I would consider acceptable. If you’re straight-up anti-government or an anarchist I honestly don’t think you can work in a large organization. These views aren’t just a belief system but are essentially anti-social and openly rebellious. Being a vocal Trumper at this point I think falls into this category, not to mention the racism and xenophobia and misogyny which tags along in most cases, and I’d filter them out for that reason. This isn’t just politics, this is criminal enterprise and anti-social behavior.

If you are not hiring people because you think they could be a negative for your business, then from a Republicsn’s standpoint the most dangerous people to hire would be left wing people who are a threat to stir up trouble with regard to unionizing, demands that people be fired for offences against ‘woke’ ideology, organizing worker protests if they don’t like my business practices, etc. And people with any sort of ‘studies’ degree are pure poison and should be discriminated against at all costs.

After all, who is more likely to have a negative impact on my business? A Trump supporter who is pro-business, or someone who hates me and what I stand for, and is always looking for a chance to virtue signal and cause headaches with other employees?

Just pointing out that the rules you make for your side WILL be used by the other side as well. Choose accordingly.

This has always been the case. Why is this notable?

Unions are always bad for business - that’s why America’s car industry thrived after neutering the unions and why Detroit is now the richest city in America.

Woke people aren’t the opposite of Trump supporters. Trump supporters are the equivalent of Sovereign Citizen lunatics.

Of course, doing that in Canada would be an unfair labour practice which could get your business in trouble.

Those Strawman Liberals sound terrible, but the hardcore Trump supporters who believe that they should be allowed to do whatever they want (no matter how damaging, immoral or outright illegal) without consequences or accountability still pose a much greater risk to one’s business. Trump supporters also have a habit of simply asserting the version of reality they wish to be true and ignoring any and all evidence to the contrary; when challenged with evidence that can’t be dismissed, they merely move onto the next lie without ever acknowledging the falsity of the last. They may claim to be “pro-business” but if one isn’t also “pro-reality” it’s a threat to that business, not an asset.

Liberals may be an annoyance or reduce your profit margins. Trumpists will get you boycotted or sued.

They already have been and always will be, that’s nothing new. I have no desire to work for a company that abuses its employees. I want my fellow employees to be educated in how to treat others in the workplace. I’m a big fan of unions.

When I had my very small business, my part time worker belonged to a union for his stagehand work. Although there was nothing in his union agreement that forbade him from working for a non-union company, I approached his union and signed a limited agreement, and every time he worked for me I also sent a check to his union which went towards his benefits.

It was a win-win for me, I wanted to help my workers get benefits but with no steady full time employees I didn’t even qualify for small business health insurance.

I also paid well, and I didn’t exploit or abuse my workers. I had people volunteer to work for me for free in the hopes of getting paid work in the future but I never took them up on it, because I knew I wouldn’t have paid work for them in the future and I thought it would be abusive,

I can never remember: is this behavior characteristic of Socialists, Marxists, or Communists ?



[applauding softly]

Depending on the drug, racism IS worse.