EVERYBODY knows the best time to cut trees is 11 p.m.!

And another Sauron classic…

That one got me too. Here I am, supposed to be working, and when my co-worker calls over to me with a question I respond with a half-giggle/half-strangle gurgle of the Sauron sort.

Jeez, they must think me mad.

And more Sauron Classics for duffer:

The Lowest Common Denominator at Winn-Dixie
explaining why you should ALWAYS take earplugs when you go Camping with the Boy Scouts
What happens when you leave two small Minions of Sauron in the keeping of the Ruler Of Mordor.

That oughta keep you giggling for a while. The Winn-Dixie one is, I think, my favorite.

Once, as my Mom and I were eating dinner, we heard a ominous sound of a chainsaw starting up across the street. It was well after dark and we looked at each other and both said simultaneously “Trimming trees in the dark is not a good idea.” Suddenly the chain sawing stopped. All was quite and peaceful.

About 5 minutes later the paramedics showed up! Our neighbor was trimming a big tree limb that hung out over the road. He was trimming from below and as the limb came down it hit his ladder knocking him (and the afore mentioned chain saw) to the ground. Then to top it off the limb landed on him. I believe he broke his arm.


My wife, the lovely and talented Aries28, told me last night I shouldn’t start any more threads. She said I tend to get the big-head (and punctuated this statement with the actual sound-effect of air hissing) when I read some of the comments.

I told her to hush, and keep on rubbing my feet, or I would unleash my legions of fans upon her.

Bwhaaa! I’m of a mind that between the two of you those poor Minions are doomed… doomed I tell you!

What an utterly enjoyable tale.

Aries28’s stuff is much better than Sauron’s
Bubbadog smiles, sits back, and waits for the results of his sly plan to compel both Sauron and Aries28 to contribute more posts.

Actually, her “stuff” is much better than mine. And you can apply pretty much any definition you want to the word “stuff” and still have that be accurate. Why she married me is a mystery, but I try not to make her think about that too much – I’m scared she’ll wise up.

I want a story-telling contest, between Sauron, Scylla, Cervaise, and Master Wang-ka. Now. Right now.

Knock us out with your wit. Outperform each other with your story-telling acumen. Force us to stifle giggles in our elbows. Awe us with your imaginative methaphors and analogies and references to literature.

I’m waiting. Who’s got the cojones?

Damn. Just go ahead and give me the fourth-place trophy. I’ll be the Ringo Starr in that group and accept the position with pride.

Giving up without a fight?


<tumultuous applause>

Encore, encore! Bravo, bravo!

Me loves it–off to read the other links.