Evolution in Illinois Standards

It’s up now, and was this morning. As a true skeptic, you should have made multiple tests before making a sweeping statement that it was down. Shame, shame. :wink:

Well, it was down when I tried it, dammit! :wink: Now it is, as you said, back up.

See what happens when you take authority on faith, David? :wink:

You become a creationist? Ack!

For those of you in or near Chicago, a University of Chicago professor will be on WGN radio this Friday, from 9-11, to discuss (at least in part) this issue.


I’m from the chicago area, born, raised, and still here – and I think that this whole thing is a huge fiasco. As someone else put it, it’s a case of giving in to the loudest people; the squeaky wheel getting the grease.

I’m off now to check out the REALL site; I want to find out more about this. I have some friends who work in the New Trier school district, and both my sister and girlfriend are about to become teachers licensed (or certified, or whatever they call it) in Illinois, and I’m that all of them either have an opinion on this or would be interested.

You just got yourself some more support. :slight_smile:

I dont mean to interrupt here,but attention David B. I found out the school in Alabama where the teacher supposedly leads the class in prayer. It is Pine Level Elementary in Deatsville,Al 36022. Yer welcome,sic those people on em!

Thanks, six. I’m hoping it won’t need to go this far, but I may be contacting you about getting some signatures on petitions. We may need to show the Board that the nuts in the religious right don’t have nearly the amount of support they pretend to have.