Expiration Date on ice tea gallon

I would put the expiration date/sell by date 1002 years in the future. i.e. Expires 01/05/3018 It will probably get some free advertisement from amused people, but it avoids the people freaking out (they’ll assume misprint if they see it at all) and most importantly avoids the restocking problem. In his defense he can say that “not all of the honey from the Egyptian tombs of 3000 years ago has been eaten and verified as safe yet”.

I buy unsweetened tea as the sweet tea has too much sugar. I add a little maple syrup if it is just plain tea but do not if it is green tea,

From what I can find, it appears that brewed tea can support bacterial/pathogenic growth. There don’t seem to be any confirmed cases of anyone getting sick from it, but it’s theoretically possible. So, if everything was correctly pasteurized, it should survive okay.