External antenna for Palm phone?

Is this kind of antenna worth the cost? I’m now working in the CA desert, where it sometimes takes three calls to get a good enough connection on my Palm 700P. This four inch antenna I could plug in and carry in my pocket, as opposed to the real serious 12-24 inch ones that you’re definitely supposed to be putting on your car roof.

This claims a 3dB gain, which is what on a logorithmic scale? Is the ad right that it’s about a 6x signal gain? I seem to remember from teaching pH scales that most of the movement on a logorithmic scale is done in the first part of the scale. Moving from 3.0E-3 to 3.2E-3 does more than moving from 3.7E-3 to 3.9E-3 (all on the [H+] scale). So is their assessment right? I’d love to find that I have a cheap fix to all this.
