Factual Questions: Rich People tend to be Republican or Democrat?

My enemies never sleep. :wink:

Indeed! :smiley:

Isn’t there a sticky at the top of this board about politics in GQ?

You have your populations confused. The point is not to look at all Democrats and see how much money they have. The point is to look at all wealthy people, and see how many are Republicans or Democrats.

And geez, can we please keep the ridiculous political “reasoning” out of this thread? It’s a very straightforward factual question, there was no request for everybody’s pet theory.

My thought: Wealthier people tend to vote Republican for tax reasons … until they get sooooo wealthy that they can afford elaborate tax dodges (and legal help) to not worry about taxes anymore. At the end, people will vote their economic interest, real or imaginary.

This thread is a bit too political for GQ. I’m closing it.

Please refer to the exit polls cited for a close-to-factual answer to the OP.

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