Fahrenheit 9/11 out on DVD/VHS!

chula, they have a short bit on the release of F9/11, a speech made by Lila Lipscomb, some footage from Condi’s 9/11 Commission testimony, a “real” view from Iraq, and two additional interviews with Congressmen (I think… haven’t watched the last one yet)… worth a shot on Netflix, but I wouldn’t buy it.

If you believe that, you deserve the collective pity of the informed electorate.

Once again, the dismissive card is played. If you agree, you are informed. If you disagree, you are the village idiot-one to be mocked by all.

Based on the announcement of a self-appointed partisan crusader, an equally partisan movie is now available. Woo-hoo. I’m underwhelmed.

I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11 for the first time yesterday, on DVD. I meant to go see it while it was in the theaters, but as it often happens with films I want to see, didn’t get around to it.

It is no secret that I loathe Bush, and Moore’s film for me was preaching to the choir.

But after all the hype, I was expecting more from Moore. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the film…I just think it could have been even better with a different edit. It was more like a bunch of short CNN-type segments slapped together in no particular order. Just me nitpicking. It was still very effective as is.

Glad to see it is doing so well…both my local Hollywood Video and Blockbuster stores were out of copies this weekedn (despite what seemed like quite a huge stock of empty boxes on the shelf) and I was only able to get it from the Red Box rental, and I got the last copy. A woman behind me noticed I got the last copy and I heard her mutter, “damn”…I laughed and so did she - she had seen it in the movie theater and wanted to watch it again.

Apparently, the movie is really popular at military bases.

I finally rented it. Primarily because I could also rent Fahrenhype 911 with it. An intriguing experience to play them one after the other. I heartily recomend it.

I found Moore’s film to be a very bad documentary indeed. Not specifically for the content, but more for the presentation. I’ve not noticed anyone criticize him for the most agregious scenes. In the “7 minutes” criticism, he takes several seconds to expound on what Bush might be thinking. In another instance, he takes another several seconds to expound on what Bush and the Saudi ambasador might be saying to each other. These two scenes alone disqualify the movie from being considered a documentary. And I have not even mentioned the Bonanza bit.

I can’t make the same criticization about Fahrenhype 911, but I think Ron Silver does make a brief suggestion about what Moore might be thinking in one scene. I did not like some of the things they said in this film either. There were definately a dearth of support for Moore’s statements. But given that it was in direct response to Moore’s film, I suppose we can fall back on the idea that Moore already presented that. Still, I would have preffered to see more of the evidence that Moore did have. I did like the re interviews with some of the people in Moore’s movie.

BTW, wasn’t it the left who were complaining so much about the suffering of the Iraqi people. And wasn’t it about the sanctions? I don’t remember the administration claiming this aspect of Saddam’s character enough to be able to say that we were inundated with it from them. I remember more that they were agreeing with that portrayal of the situation.

Equipoise, as you say, this is not GD so lets not get into a cite fest. But I would recomend that you reread carefully some of the links you posted. Read them with more of a critical eye. Many of them contain qualifying statements which mean they do not so much prove what you say they prove, as they simply report that others have made similar accusations.