Famous missed opportunities in history, or, hindsight is 20/20

On the downside, that would have resulted in a worldwide women’s shoe some 67 years later.

If only the Science Council had listened to Jor-El…

(from General Sir Douglas Haig, Supreme commander of the British Army in France, WWI): “machine guns are a much-overrated weapon, and one or two per battalion is more than sufficient”!
General Haig went on to lead the Britsh army in 4 years of slaughter on the Western front. He retired with full honors and a100,000 pound bonus!!-no dount the undertakers and coffin makers of GB were grateful as well. :smack:

And sleepy little Pacific Grove, CA would be the hub of the software world, while Washington state would just be that rainy place where Boeing used to be.

Starting a war over WMD that never existed.