Fashions For A 60 Year Old Guy

I’m 58. Believe me, the only way not to look like an old guy trying to look young is to not try to look young.

Dump fashionable t-shirts. The only time to wear a t-shirt is when you’re working in the yard. Stick to polo shirts.

Forget pants that fit your form. Face it, no one wants to look at your form. Loose-fitting (not baggy!) jeans and khakis are fine.

Embrace your maturity. Buy a suit. Real men look good in suits, mature men look even better, and mature men look great in a tuxedo. Trench coats are an excellent choice. Add a fedora and you’re gold.

I have a t-shirt with a picture of a motel on it and the name written above the picture is “Dick’s Halfway Inn”.

Apparently, there’s a place called Halfway in Alaska or somewhere.

But the point is, even though I think it’s funny as hell, I’m too embarrassed to wear it in public!

Can you zoom in on it? This is me on my scooter.



That’s Skinny Dick’s Halfway Inn.

I’m 63. I wear jeans and a Carhartt pocket tee almost ever single day. I don’t care what people think.

Quasi? They’re right: you do NOT look 60.

When I saw the thread title, I thought of this story, but then I rralized it wasn’t “fashions to make a 60-year-old guy”. And anyways, the guy in the linked story looked more like 90. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Sunspace, I try to keep myself young- thinking anyway, and I really believe that being a member here has helped me to do that.

Those eyes, though? Those are OLD eyes. I have been told that I have something called “hooding” and that I could have that fixed and it would not be considered cosmetic, but I don’t yet have Medicare so, I can’t do anything about it.

Chefguy, thanks for the clarification! That’s even funnier than what I have on the shirt!

Dude. You’re 60. You can wear what you want.

Go for the Lederhosen! :smiley:

A Google search turned up several "Dick’s Halfway Inn"s: one in Puerto Vallarta; a Big Dick’s Halfway Inn in Missouri, etc. Skinny Dick’s is between Nenana and Fairbanks, AK

My friend John! Been missing you, Dude! :slight_smile:

As soon as I can, I plan to get my passport updated and make a trip home to get some Lederhosen and some other Bavarian traditional wear.

Count on it!



When you’re 60, wear whatever you damn please. I don’t think the number 60 is really significant. IMO, a person is either dead or alive. If alive, enjoy it while you can.

Just adding that I’m over 60, so all that is said without a trace of snarkiness.

This is for my sweet friend Mood hopin’ she ain’t blue on account of she’s got me for a friend!..

Thanks, Quasi. I’m surprised at how good that version is, btw. :slight_smile: