Favorite/worst martial artists?

What? No votes for Pat Morita?

Especially considering he only got hit once in four Karate Kid movies. :eek:

That dude was in a lot of fights … how come his combined opponents were only able to land a single blow?

(extra credit if you can name the movie in which it occured and described the scene :smiley: )

Can’t name it in one category.
Best real life martial artist: Benny “the Jet” Urquidez
Best cinematic martial artist: Bruce Lee

Worst cinematic martial artist: Pat Morita

Gohaku-Kai Karate, which is very similar to Goju-Ryu.

My picks:

Best real martial artist: John Clements (I may be a little biased :slight_smile: ) http://www.thehaca.com/photos/advanced.htm

Best on screen martial artist: Jackie Chan.

Worst martial artists: All the guys from “The best of the best”.

How could any mention of Worst Martial Artists not include Michale “American Ninja” Dudikoff or Jeff Speakman?
And what about that Gymkata guy?

Jeff Speakman is a pretty good martial artist. He has a 6th degree Black Belt in Goju Ryu and another high ranking belt in Kenpo. He was also voted ‘instructor of the year’ by Black Belt magazine before he had a movie career.

He’s just a lousy actor.