FBI breaks up alleged Russian spy ring

And now the other shoe drops: Russia is floating the idea of a spy exchange. Could this be the ultimate reason for why the FBI spent so much effort monitoring these folks? I’m not sure; you’d think that they would’ve been arrested earlier if the US wanted back their intel folks, but you never can tell.

Yep, making more sense now.

And it’s done. According to the article, the White House contemplated the spy swap as far back as Jun 11th, and it was the US who first provided the names of the four individuals it wanted released.

I can’t see any way this choreography wasn’t agreed between Obama and Medvedev 2 1/2 weeks ago at the meetigs in DC.

I disagree entirely. Obama’s lived in Chicago long enough. I can totally see him keeping his poker-face on during the meetings to avoid any chance of tipping off the spies.

Why would he even want to - he’s trying to build a relationship, not make the guy look stupid?